A Quote by Bjork

I'm no buddhist, but this is fu**ing enlightmentment — © Bjork
I'm no buddhist, but this is fu**ing enlightmentment

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I wouldn't be doing motherfu**ing films for almost three decades if every time I did something that someone didn't like I went in a fu**ing cocoon and just hid there and didn't make my art.
I'm telling you, it's fu**ing hard to be classy
I'm much more Buddhist. I mean, I'm not a Buddhist. I should be so lucky to be a Buddhist, a real Buddhist, but of all the things I investigated, that seems to make the most sense to me.
Those monkey-thumbs were meant for dogs. Give me my thumbs, you fu**ing monkeys!
The fate of the African continent does not f-ing depend on a load of f-ing musicians in Hyde Park singing f-ing s-t songs to kids.
To make a kung fu film is like a dream come true, because I'm a big fan of kung fu movies and I'm learning kung fu for a long time.
Here is a les­son in writ­ing. First rule: Do not use semi­colons. They are trans­ves­tite her­maph­ro­dites rep­re­sent­ing absolutely noth­ing. All they do is show you've been to col­lege.
Hurdling is like Kung-fu. Everyone comes from a different school. And everybody says 'my Kung-fu is better than your Kung-fu.' You have to find the technique that best fits your body size.
When I see footage of Guns N' Roses, I see that fu**ing hunger and attitude. You could not f**k with those five guys. It was just raw. It was this lean, hungry thing on its way up. It was as sincere as any rock 'n' roll that I've ever heard, and I'm proud of that.
Normally if I met a guy who was unemployed and illiterate who hadn't bathed in a couple of weeks, I'd be standing in a puddle with excitement, but I'm sort of in a bad mood tonight, so take this bag and give me the fu**ing paper before I pop your head like a zit. He said, you're a lesbian, aren't you?
The bat­tle we have fought, and are still fight­ing for the forests is a part of the eter­nal con­flict between right and wrong, and we can­not expect to see the end of it. …So we must count on watch­ing and striv­ing for these trees, and should always be glad to find any­thing so surely good and noble to strive for.
I'm typing so f-ing hard I might break my f-ing Mac book Air!!!!!!!!
I'm a hopeless fu**ing romantic. That's a part of me that a lot of people don't know about. They know everything there is to know about another part of me, but not a thing about my heart.'- Tommy Lee
You're asked, 'Do you know kung-fu?' Yeah. That's what we do. We wake up, we brush our teeth, we do kung-fu!
He was never a kung fu guy. Now, he's Mr. Kung Fu. Oh, man. Even Chow Yun-Fat gets typed!
Kung fu: You've got to spend your whole life at it before you're kung fu.
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