A Quote by Blake Farenthold

My constituents feel betrayed by the promise that Reagan made, that if we grant amnesty, we'll then secure the border. We obviously didn't do that. — © Blake Farenthold
My constituents feel betrayed by the promise that Reagan made, that if we grant amnesty, we'll then secure the border. We obviously didn't do that.
Marco Rubio was fighting to grant amnesty and not to secure the border, I was fighting to secure the border. And this also goes to trust, listening on to campaign trails. Candidates all the time make promises. You know, Marco said," he learned that the American people didn't trust the federal government."
To say that Reagan teaches us that we should be against amnesty for illegal immigrants is to contradict what Reagan himself stood for - that he was in favor of amnesty.
Whatever kind of device or barrier or policy to secure the border, that's necessary to secure the border, then do it.
We for sure need to secure the border. I think we need to enforce the legal system. I'm not for amnesty, I'm not an advocate of the plans that have been pushed here in Washington... we need to find a way for people to have a legitimate legal immigration system in this country, and that doesn't mean amnesty.
If you want a president to stop amnesty, to secure the borders and keep us safe, then support a candidate who has led the fight to stop amnesty to secure the borders and to keep us safe.
We agree with that goal [to secure our border] and will be working with [Donald Trump] to finance on construction of the physical barrier, including the wall on the southern border. The law is already on the books. I voted for it, like, ten years ago, but nothing has gotten done and now we have a president who actually wants to secure the border and we are all in favor of doing that.
There are a lot of different ways of getting Mexico to contribute to doing this. And there are different ways of defining how exactly they pay for it. [Donald Trump] has a promise that he made to the American people which is to secure our border. A wall is a big part of that.
It's just astonishing to me that the media is so interested in how much it costs to secure our border and has no interest in the cost of refusing to secure our border.
There is international criminal organizations penetrating our southern based borders, and we need to do something about it. Secure the border, enforce the law, no amnesty, and go forward with the legal immigration system that gives priority to American working families and wages.
After all this brouhaha Washington, Donald Trump lands in Florida" If we don't have the wall, we are doing nothing." Trump says there will eventually be a border wall and there won't be amnesty for DREAMers. But they're going to allowed to stay. People say, "W-w-well, wait a minute, now. If you're letting 'em stay, how is that not amnesty?" Well, they're not gonna be made automatic citizens.
The idea that you're going have zero people crossing the border is unrealistic. But today we know that's not the case. Today we know we've got a porous border and people are coming in, and we don't know who they are. So secure the border then we can have a conversation about it.
I have an unexplainable belief that I will never cause harm or be harmed while at sea. Because of this, I feel secure at sea: I feel secure in the ice, I feel secure in the storms, and I feel secure in confrontations.
I think we need the make sure our border is secure, not just from a standpoint of strategic fencing or border slats, whatever you want to call it, but we need to make sure that once and for all, we secure our border to make sure our communities are safe.
People believe you have to secure the border; whether you're doing it with a wall that keeps getting higher because of the crazy things the Mexicans say, if you go that Donald Trump route, whatever route you go, everyone agrees in our movement that you have to secure the border.
You have one party that's in favor of open borders, and you have one party that wants to secure the border. And all day long, the American people are going to side with the party that wants to secure the border.
Amnesty is a disaster, we need strong borders. We have no country if we have no border. In New Hampshire, the biggest complaint is heroin, pouring across the southern border. We have to have strong borders, keep the drugs out. I want a wall. I want to get the drug lords out; then we can at a later date make a determination as to the rest.
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