A Quote by Blake Griffin

The people that are surrounding me have my best interest. — © Blake Griffin
The people that are surrounding me have my best interest.
Obviously, people feeling that their government is responsive to them is in the best interest of the United States. It's in the best interest of the U.K., it's in the best interest of countries all over the world.
I was fooling everyone by surrounding myself with funny people. But then I put myself out there - writing my own sketches, going on stage with nobody surrounding me - and for some reason people were still laughing.
In my short career, I tend not to repeat myself. I have no interest in redoing something. Sometimes that makes people angry, and maybe it's not the best thing for me commercially. But it's the best thing for me artistically, and it's the best thing for my heart.
I think there's an interest surrounding our family; it's not just Miley, but it's Noah and me and Billy Ray and Branid and Trace and everyone.
I moved to the States, and that was a big thing for me. I moved to Miami, and I joined the Blackzilians. For me at the time, it seemed like the best logical solution, but sometimes surrounding yourself with new people is not good.
It's in the best interest of the radical left types - best psychological and strategic interest - to refuse to admit to the possibility that reasonable people can object to their ideological staff. Because if reasonable people objected, that would imply that their ideological stance is not reasonable.
I have an interest in Native American artifacts, mainly Plains Indians from the 1840s to the 1900s, and I go in and out of that. I get really into it, and then I put it down, but it's surrounding me.
You have to be committed to the people and willing to do what is in their best interest even when it isn't in your best interest, and you have to be committed to getting results even if you don't get the credit.
Of course, Soviet people would like to see the face of surrounding states changed, but that is the business of the surrounding states.
For me, a landscape does not exist in its own right, since its appearance changes at every moment; but the surrounding atmosphere brings it to life - the light and the air which vary continually. For me, it is only the surrounding atmosphere which gives subjects their true value.
As you can imagine, I have a deeply personal interest in people learning to at least be tolerant of homosexuals. My life depends on it. And as I wish to be left alone, I realize it is not in my interest to interfere with how other people choose to lead their lives, or raise their children. All totalitarian arguments that restrict people's freedom have been based in the "it's best for everyone" framework.
I feel I'm most beautiful when I have less makeup on and I'm at home with people surrounding me that support me, and I know they will never judge me or try to change me.
You never make all things for all people and can't always pander to the broadest denominator. I keep an eye toward doing the themes that interest me. Do they move me? Interest me? Make me think? When I run across something that is provocative in an unsettling way, it appeals to me.
We all learn best in our own ways. Some people do better studying one subject at a time, while some do better studying three things at once. Some people do best studying in structured, linear way, while others do best jumping around, surrounding a subject rather than traversing it. Some people prefer to learn by manipulating models, and others by reading.
Sometimes, a player and a coach can have a different opinion. In the end, the best interest of the end, the best interest of the club has to be kept in mind.
I'm just trying to get rid of all the mystery surrounding me and let people see what I'm thinking. So they can understand me and stop assuming things about me.
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