A Quote by Blake Lively

I tend to like to make my statements more in fashion than in beauty, because what I normally respond to is when someone looks really effortless and deconstructed, beauty-wise, and they're fashion is really grand. Someone like Kate Moss is a great example.
Goldie Hawn has always been a beauty and fashion icon to me. She radiates joy and infuses beauty into everything through her smile and spirit. She is a great example of what real beauty means to me.
I think fashion is a lot of fun. I love clothes. More than fashion or brand labels, I love design. I love the thought that people put into clothes. I love when clothes make cultural statements and I think personal style is really cool. I also freely recognize that fashion should be a hobby.
I want to spend as much time as possible with my children, so I always like to keep my beauty and fashion routines effortless... but still chic!
The curvy community has really given me a voice because people want to see someone who looks like they do. They want to know their beauty is valid.
There have been top supermodels in the past that weren't as tall as the industry demands, like fashion icon Kate Moss.
I really respect fashion, but I don't follow trends to be honest, I'm much more into skateboarder style clothes, but I really like fashion photography, portraits, and stuff like that.
I didn't intend to even become an actor. I was studying fashion, and I think acting just happened by chance. It really felt more like I was watching a movie from outside, like it was happening to someone else. It's been a great journey so far.
I share a lot more than I ever really thought I would with friends, let alone millions of people, and it really started surface level for me: beauty, fashion, lifestyle, whatever.
That's one thing about fashion that you really shouldn't be-you can't be melancholy in fashion because people don't respond to it.
I like people's attitudes more than fashion or beauty or whatever it is.
I really like to be able to have variety and to try different things - that's the beauty of fashion.
Fashion wears many faces; it has the urge to belong to a group - to charm - but also the urge to be exclusive and snobbish to carve out individuality. That is the genius of fashion! Fashion is what time looks like, and it's up to us all to shape what our own time looks like. Fashion is a collaborative art form in this way... We all paint the picture.
Beauty—or the desire to be beautiful—is in itself a dangerous motivation. Someone (I forgot who) once said, ‘Does the person who loves someone for their beauty really love them?’ So don’t focus on beauty ... a respectable appearance is sufficient to make people more interested in your soul. It is the sum of our experiences that makes us interesting, and having been through a time in your life in which you were in a bad place (or what you perceived as a bad place) physically, can be useful. It can even be necessary.
I think that my looks through the years have served me well because I was never a great beauty and I was never cast as a great beauty. My looks were not part of my transportation - certainly not in the typical leading lady role - so I never leaned on it and I never really made that a high value.
Fashion is not a real element of beauty in external objects; and to persons who possess a good endowment of Form, Constructiveness and Ideality, intrinsic elegance is much more pleasing and permanently agreeable, than forms of less merit, recommended merely by being new. Hence there is a beauty which never palls, and there are objects over which fashion exercises no control.
I feel like fashion is becoming more inclusive, partly because the industry is finally getting that beauty exists in so many ways, and partly because thanks to Instagram, girls can create their own images, or remix images they're seeing in magazines and fashion shows, in ways that weren't possible before.
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