A Quote by Blake Shelton

I love my band - they are the best out there, and I wouldn't want to perform with anyone else. — © Blake Shelton
I love my band - they are the best out there, and I wouldn't want to perform with anyone else.
I want to be the best. I don't know by what standard you measure being the best, but I want to go out there and perform and feel like I'm the best.
I love it when you have to perform at a certain level or else. That's when I'm at my best.
Perform your job better than anyone else can. That's the best job security I know.
There are guys who want to look good, and there are guys who want to perform at their best. Being fit is about being able to perform at your best, not necessarily just looking your best.
Whereas when you perform, the song is done. The music is out. People know it already. You can interpret it differently, the band can perform it differently, so I like the freedom of performing.
You don't have to live up to anyone else's standards, you don't have to look like anyone else, you don't have to compare yourself to anyone else. You being you is enough, and you putting your positivity and good vibes out into the world, once you get to that point absolutely everything will fall into place.
We could perform in space or be the first band to play moon, but we want to be the first 'Star Wars' band.
If our kids want to do music, they are going to have to have a hard row to hoe just like any other band under the sun, and they're going to have to want it more than anyone else.
I don't want to single anyone out. I'll just say that there are a lot of not good band names out there.
Can you truly love anyone if you do not first love yourself? If you hate yourself, can you love anyone else? If you do not accept all of who you are, can you accept anyone else? Hard questions. It remains to be seen whether I get any answers, hard, or otherwise.
Greatness is a life mission being the best is not about being better than anyone else but striving to be the best that you can and bringing out the best in others
But I think what makes a band great is that you're not trying to be someone else ever. At no point do you want it to become nostalgic; you never want to be a cover band for anybody.
It's best to love yourself. Only then can you love anyone else.
When I hire somebody really senior, competence is the ante. They have to be really smart. But the real issue for me is, Are they going to fall in love with Apple? Because if they fall in love with Apple, everything else will take care of itself. They'll want to do what's best for Apple, not what's best for them, what's best for Steve, or anybody else.
Loving God more than anyone or anything else is the very foundation of being a disciple. If you want to live your Christian life to its fullest, then love Jesus more than anyone or anything else.
Love what you do and do what you love. Don't listen to anyone else who tells you not to do it. You do what you want, what you love. Imagination should be the center of your life.
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