A Quote by Bo Burnham

For some comedians it feels so cool to be like: 'I'll say anything, man!'. I'm not quite there yet. — © Bo Burnham
For some comedians it feels so cool to be like: 'I'll say anything, man!'. I'm not quite there yet.
I think politicians and comedians have a lot in common. One is a group of approval-seeking narcissists who will say and do anything to be liked... and comedians are always talking about politics.
I was a writer. I couldn't sell anything, and the comedians were among the dumbest people I had ever met. They'd all say to me, 'The average man won't understand it.' You know, they're superior to the average man.
I can get where some scientists would say comedians are crazy. What you have to understand: A lot of comedians are dealing with a dark passion. A lot of these are guys coming from a tumultuous life, including myself. Some people need outlets, a way to express yourself.
Some people say homosexuality is a sin. It’s not. God is perfectly cool with it, God feels the exact same way about homosexuality that God feels about heterosexuality. Now you might say, ‘Whoa, slow down. You move too fast. How could you have the audacity, the temerity, to speak on behalf of God?’ Exactly, that’s an excellent point and I pray that you remember it.
I think there are different kinds of comedians, and I prefer the clowns who are going: 'I'm an idiot, aren't we all a bit like this, laugh at me.' Whereas, a lot of other comedians are saying: 'Aren't I clever? You want to be me, aren't I cool? Revere me.' Which is fine. But that's not my bag.
I think the best comedians have that bravery and courage to say, 'This is what it is. This is unfair; that's not cool.'
I was raised to believe in myself. I know I'm cool. I'm not trying to brag or say I'm the man or anything like that. I don't lie or cheat, and I'm not mean to anybody. I treat people with respect.
I wouldn't say I really admired anyone. When I was a kid, there were definitely a lot of tough guys, but they weren't really cool. If anything, that was an influence on me: to take that toughness and combine it with the cool style, the cool entrance, the cool gear - and driving to work in a Ferrari.
It feels so good to be amongst some of the biggest legends in music - it feels quite surreal.
I was quite pleased that Prince Philip didn't say anything like, I hate queers! He was quite well behaved.
Victor: What does it feel like to be in love? Creature: It feels like everything is boiling over and spilling out of me; it feels like my lungs are on fire, and my heart is a hammer, and I feel like I can do anything...I feel like I can do anything in the world.
It feels quite cool, in a mad way, to be someone who skulks about in the shadows.
I'm really fascinated with anything that takes place between the 1920s up through the 1960s. In some ways it feels familiar, and in other ways it feels like it's from another planet.
America feels like home as much as it does here. Although it's a strange situation as I feel almost like I'm in no-man's land some of the time, because although I'm a resident, I still can't vote so I don't really have a say in what goes on where I live.
Donald Trump very confident in his standing with his supporters and one who could do and say anything and have it not affect him. It's like he's the ultimate Teflon candidate if he feels like he can say things like that at a rally.
As for super-stardom, I can say that I'm ready for anything. I feel like I've mastered so many stages in my life and the cool thing is, I don't see that energy changing anything.
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