A Quote by Bo Sanchez

I believe that miracles happen every day. — © Bo Sanchez
I believe that miracles happen every day.
I believe that miracles happen every day. Every person is a miracle. Every moment is a miracle. If only we can open our eyes, we'll see God's love everywhere.
Miracles arise from conviction. Be convicted about these things: Miracles can happen. Miracles do happen. Love makes them happen.
Miracles happen every day - I'm one!
Miracles do happen. You must believe this. No matter what else you believe about life, you must believe in miracles.
I believe in miracles. And I believe miracles happen in a believer's life.
If you try to be better every day, more miracles happen in your life.
Miracles only happen if you believe in miracles.
Miracles happen every day. They bubble up from their hidden source, surround us with opportunities and disappear.
I believe in manicures. I believe in overdressing. I believe in primping at leisure and wearing lipstick. I believe in pink. I believe happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day, and... I believe in miracles.
Miracles happen every day. Not just in remote country villages or at holy sites halfway across the globe, but here, in our own lives.
Miracles happen quietly every day - in an operating room, on a stormy sea, in the sudden appearance of a road side stranger. They are rarely tallied. No one keeps score.
The dreams you choose to believe in come to be. When you feel in your innermost being that you will achieve what you set out to do, you open the way for miracles. Choose to believe something good can happen. Expecting it to happen energizes your goal and actually gives it momentum. What you expect to happen, happens. If you expect to succeed, you'll succeed
Yes, I believe in guardian angels, because otherwise I must believe that life is a string of death-defying miracles - and I don't believe in miracles.
I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.
Even when you think you have your life all mapped out, things happen that shape your destiny in ways you might never even have imagined. The coincidences or little miracles that happen every day of your life are hints that the universe has much bigger plans for you than you ever dreamed of for yourself.
Miracles happen to those who believe in them.
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