A Quote by Bob McDonnell

The EPA is now the Employment Prevention Agency. — © Bob McDonnell
The EPA is now the Employment Prevention Agency.
There are issues the EPA should be dealing with. When I talk about the EPA and its role with the states, it's not an abolitionist view, that we don't need that agency. It's that the agency should act within the outlines established by Congress.
The EPA historically has been an agency where people go to work at the agency and spend their entire career, 30, 40 years at the agency.
And I would begin with the EPA, because there is no other agency like the EPA. It should really be renamed the 'job-killing organization of America.'
Even when EPA subjects its science to peer review, the agency often stacks the deck of supposedly independent advisory panels by including members who are EPA grant recipients.
Most lawsuits against the EPA historically have come either because of the agency's lack of regard for a statute or because the EPA failed in an obligation or deadline.
For working with non-professional actors, you have to have this particular desire to work with people who are reluctant to play in a movie. I like this relationship. I'm like a recruiter, an employment agency giving someone employment.
Here at the EPA, the agency will continue to do its best to promote the health and welfare of all Americans.
There is a reason to have an agency called the EPA, and it has served an historical purpose I believe is vital to this country.
What has happened over the years is that scientists have now developed AIDS therapeutic capabilities, as well as prevention, and we've linked prevention and treatment in a way that if you fast-forward 30 years form '88 to now, we can say without hyperbole that we have the tools, if implemented the way they could be implemented, to theoretically, essentially end the epidemic as we know it now.
I'm very concerned about the - I want to leave EPA in a better position than in which I found it, when I eventually do leave the agency.
I never put myself out there as an employment agency.
Administrator McCarthy and the EPA will soon find out that Washington bureaucrats are becoming far too aggressive in attacking our way of life. Administrator McCarthy should be apologizing to Missourians. EPA aggression has reached an all-time high, and now it must be stopped.
[Donald] Trump was gonna investigate the whole kebang up there and figure out what had gone wrong and get rid of all the deadweight at every agency - EPA, DOJ, what have you.
EPA has a long history of relying on science that was not created by the agency itself. This often means that the science is not available to the public and, therefore, cannot be reproduced and verified.
The Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) own computer model easily shows that President Obama's proposed regulations would reduce global warming by around 0.02 of a degree Celsius by the year 2100. Actually, the true number is probably even smaller because that calculation assumes a future rate of warming - there hasn't been any for 17 years now - quite a bit higher than it is likely to be.
However much we might sympathize or agree with EPA's policy objectives, EPA may act only within the boundaries of its statutory authority.
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