A Quote by Bob McDonnell

We have lost certainty and predictability in the regulatory and tax climate in America, and this is why we're recovering so slowly. — © Bob McDonnell
We have lost certainty and predictability in the regulatory and tax climate in America, and this is why we're recovering so slowly.
We need to work together to support common-sense solutions to establish and maintain regulatory certainty and predictability for the mining industry and reduce excessive, duplicative, and expensive permitting delays.
The E.U.'s tax and regulatory policies, climate-change and welfare spending, and free immigration even in wartime are gradually ruining Europe. That's why I believe Brexit is good for British freedom, political autonomy, and the survival of democratic capitalism.
As a businessman, you need economic certainty. On the tax policies. You need it on your regulatory policies.
The United States needs an energy policy that ensures America's tax, trade, regulatory and access policies are transparent and predictable.
And I think most people in this country want to see a president that's got the courage to say we're going to cut the tax burden, and reduce the regulatory climate, and we're going to get Americans working.
Climate Change is a national security issue. We found that climate instability will lead to instability in geopolitics and impact American military operations around the world. People are saying they want to be perfectly convinced about climate science projections. But speaking as a soldier, we never have 100 percent certainty. If you wait until you have 100 percent certainty, something bad is going to happen on the battlefield.
Back in the day, I was the first non-recovering doctor working in recovery. People would say, 'You can't do that! We need recovering guys in this.' But usually recovering doctors have a lot of baggage and so there's a certain amount of liability with a recovering doctor. But of course it can be ideal.
We try to create a situation where we're the casino. It's like how an actuary would set insurance rates. Predictability, predictability, predictability. What's the path to least risk? What's the greater chance of getting some return on this asset?
Why is it that half of the households in America pay zero income tax? We need some real tax reform.
Certainty, and the innovation that thrives in a climate of certainty, are key to progress.
The Clean Energy Jobs legislation will provide predictability and certainty for large carbon emitters.
What you do on immigration policy, what you do on education policy, what you do on tax, regulatory, and energy policy, all connects together - and will be based on a simple determination about what will make life better in America for American citizens.
Capital available for individuals to start and expand businesses would increase with regulatory and strategic tax reforms, like reducing marginal rates, repealing the alternative minimum tax, and making the U.S. the most welcoming place for employers to relocate and create jobs.
All you need is one person in a group to be honest, and then slowly, very slowly, everyone else starts telling the truth. That's why our lecturers must be former members of Weight Watchers. They must have lost weight our way.
I also think that if you want to put a price on carbon, why not just do it with a simple tax? Why not ask motorists to pay more, why not ask electricity consumers to pay more and then at the end of the year you can take your invoices to the tax office and get a rebate of the carbon tax you've paid
OK, so this pack - tax package includes about 50 tax breaks. None of them are new. They were all existing tax breaks. What this did was make them permanent. It gives some certainty for people when they're filing taxes that they don't have to wonder if Congress is going to renew them year after year.
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