A Quote by Bob McDonnell

I'm chairman of the Republican Governors Association. — © Bob McDonnell
I'm chairman of the Republican Governors Association.
Governor Kempthorne of Idaho, our chairman of the National Governors Association, is doing a great job bringing all of the nation's governors together to work as partners with the federal government.
I'm vice chairman of the American Wild Horse Protection Association and honorary chairman of the Wildlife Federation.
Over the years, I've had a lot of different jobs - newspaper boy, dish washer, naval flight officer, Amtrak board member, Governor and chairman of the National Governors Association - just to name a few. But my most cherished job - and frankly my most important job for that matter - is being a father.
We have 31 Republican governors in this country. We have roughly the same number of Republican legislatures.
T]he state Republican chairman, Gaylord Parkinson, postulated what he called the Eleventh Commandment: Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.
I'm a chairman on the Board of Governors for the East-West Players, the longest-running Asian-American theater company in America.
Republican governors trying to suppress the vote.
It's no accident that the fastest growing states with the best economies are all led by Republican governors.
The majority of Puerto Ricans in Florida and New York are Democrats, but nonetheless, we have Republican governors.
The conservative Republican governors tend to be more oriented toward trying to work with Democrats and getting things done.
It is hard to imagine a choice more stark than the choice between Reince Priebus, the chairman of the Republican Party, a clear establishment figure, and Stephen Bannon, a leader of the right-wing, the guy - Breitbart News Network, somebody who spent most of the time beating up on the Republican establishment.
As a Chinese American legislator, I applaud the RNC's Growth and Opportunity Project. Engaging Asian American and Pacific Islander communities about Republican principles is a worthwhile effort. I thank Chairman Priebus and Co-Chairman Day for making this a priority. We need to ensure our message of growth and opportunity is being heard in all communities throughout this nation, and I am proud to be a part of this effort.
I was scheduled to give my first official press conference that morning anyway, 'cause I was chairman of the Governors Energy Council and I was making a press conference with regard to energy policy.
I'm not a typical Republican. I am a Republican, I wear the Republican jersey, I've been a Republican my whole life. My dad was a Republican, which is interesting because he was in a union early on. The Republican party was very strong in the area that I grew up in. So I'm a loyalist.
We as governors, whether we're Republican or Democrat, we really believe that we know what's best for our people. And in Arizona, and particularly we're very interested about natural resources.
Republican governors are leading the way in helping the private sector create new jobs, reforming government and getting our economy back on track.
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