A Quote by Bob McDonnell

Like everybody, my views on many issues have changed as I have gotten older. — © Bob McDonnell
Like everybody, my views on many issues have changed as I have gotten older.
As I've gotten older, as I've gotten familiar with all different types of music, stuff that I didn't like when I was younger I actually kind of like now.
The way that I feel about my Jewish identity has been really radically changed by events in life. Like, becoming a writer is one. Having children is another. And getting older and watching, you know, my parents and grandparents get older has been another, the seasons of - being witness to the seasons of life and wanting to have some kind of infrastructure to deal with it, to cope with them. Ritual has become more important to me as I've gotten older. It's not always religious ritual, but it often borrows from Judaism.
I think that, definitely, as I've gotten older, my perspective changes. My love of music has definitely not changed; my love of the arts has definitely not changed.
I feel like I've always had a sordid sense of humor, and it's only gotten more twisted as I've gotten older.
My anxiety has gotten worse as I've graduated and gotten older, and I still feel like 'Rookie' is a place where I can talk about that, and hopefully someone relates to it.
I am, like everybody else, hurt when the thing I've done is misunderstood or attacked but I've gotten old enough to realize that if you do something, not everybody's got to like it. And if everybody likes it, it's probably not that interesting.
I'm grateful for Donald Trump's pro-life views. And I'm grateful that he's expressed those views so publicly and openly. And, look, the American people know that there are issues that divide us very quickly, and they're issues that are often matters of the heart for every American.
I don't know if I've ever been in a clique. The older I've gotten, the more I've realized what a true friend really is. So my friendship circle has changed a bit.
I think as I've gotten older and the things I've gone through, I'm not as concerned about what everybody thinks.
So many of my friends are older, and the people I work with are older. I guess I've gotten used to hearing people say, "Oh, you're so young," even though I never really agreed with that. Now I get their perspective.
I think people cast their votes for a number of reasons. I think if you look at your polls, you'll probably find that many, many people think that our views are closer to what they believe the future of America should be. That our views are closer on economic issues. And a lot of those polls come down to demographics, to age, to how much money you are making.
I've actually changed my view of Los Angeles. When I was younger, I hated it, because I thought it was fake and superficial. As I've gotten older, I've found that to be absolutely true, but I don't care.
I know it sounds weird, but my definition of 'sexy' has changed as I've gotten older. And being smart and informed makes me feel sexier than any outfit.
Bill Pullman is older than Aaron Eckhart - although I was older too - and the age difference changes the play. My perspective on those issues had changed a lot. Without going into nerdy details about that play, there was something that still stuck with me. I still had the same joy in that dialogue and David Mamet's rhythm in terms of his writing. I felt like there was still something to explore.
The good news is at this point as I get older, the load has gotten heavier but my shoulders have gotten wider because I've gotten happier so it's a damn good thing.
I think everybody has tragedy in their life. Everybody has hurdles in their life. Everybody has tough things to overcome. My kids say to me, 'This isn't fair.' I said, 'Life isn't fair.' Everybody has their issues. It's how you handle your issues that distinguishes you.
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