A Quote by Bob Saget

I think Desperate Housewives is a pretty good show, I watch it, I like it and I don't love reality tv that much. I do watch some, I've got three daughters so we'll watch the good stuff, the fun stuff.
I'm a golf junkie. I watch every tournament pretty much. I watch interviews. I watch warm-up routines. All that stuff.
I love rewatching 'Real Housewives of Atlanta' episodes, 'Project Runway,' 'Making the Cut' and other fun shows. If there's fashion and/or drama involved, I'll give it a watch. And of course I've got to watch my show 'Dragnificent' on TLC!
Watch this, I'll show you love like you dreamed of I've got so much to give, watch this Don't be afraid you'll be amazed at all the ways that I can Show you what you've missed Just close your eyes, and watch this
National Geographic has awesome stuff. I like Court TV. Sometimes I'll watch Reality Mix because they have some interesting stuff on that.
I don't think there's a ton of new new stuff about doing a sitcom or doing a multi-camera show, but they work. They're fun, and they're energetic, and they're short. And when you fall in love with one - like, I will watch Seinfeld, I'll watch Will & Grace, all those reruns. I just can never get enough. I watch the same ones over and over and over. I watch the same movies that make me laugh over and over and over. I was hoping to be part of something like that.
On stage you never watch yourself. You just experience it, and then you go home, and you feel pretty good if you gave a pretty good performance or crappy if you didn't. But in TV and film, you actually have to experience it while you're doing it, and then you have to watch it. And then when you're watching it, you watch it with a different sensibility than how you experienced it.
I don't really watch much TV. I watch old movies and stuff like that, so I'm not up to date. My favorite vampire movie would definitely have to be the one with Gary Oldman [Dracula].
It's hard to describe to people how terrible it was when you could only watch cartoons at a certain time in your life. But no, I would watch all of them - the Warner Bros. cartoons and the Bugs Bunnys and then the Tex Avery stuff. Looking back on it, they were so incredibly subversive for their time. You'd think, "Oh, they're just making jokes and this or that." But when you watch them as an adult, you think, "Oh no, they were talking about some pretty deep stuff."
I am obsessed with trash TV. I watch all reality shows. I watch all the "Housewives." I am a huge fan of "New Jersey."
I am obsessed with trash TV. I watch all reality shows. I watch all the 'Housewives.' I am a huge fan of 'New Jersey.'
I started finding humor in everything. I used to watch a lot of TV, and I finally figured I didn't need to watch TV to find funny stuff. I just watch the commercials. I mean, the commercials just blew my mind.
I watch a movie or a T.V. show or whatever; if it's good, I like to watch it more than once, and it's always fun to catch something you didn't see initially.
I have three kids. Now they're all grown up, but when they were little, every time I would start a new project, they would say, 'So dad, are you making a movie we can watch or one we cannot watch?' That's the kind of stuff they would ask. People around me - family and friends - usually know when to watch and when not to watch.
I think it's terribly important to watch TV. I think there's a sort of minimum number of hours of TV a day you ought to watch, and unless you watch three or four hours of TV a day, you're just closing your eyes to some of the most important sort of stream of consciousness that's going on!
As actresses, our schedules are really wonky and we work weird hours. For me, personally, I watch pretty much everything on Netflix, and I watch all the episodes in a row, when I can. I don't really watch much of any live TV anymore, and I feel like a lot of people are doing that now.
I watch a lot of TV, and I'd like to think what I watch is good TV.
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