A Quote by Bonnie Tyler

It's really fantastic because families can come to my shows and they all like it. It's really weird. — © Bonnie Tyler
It's really fantastic because families can come to my shows and they all like it. It's really weird.
I'm really into antiques. But really into it because of my father, who got me into them in the first place. He's an interior designer and he's really into going to antique shows and getting up really early on Sundays and driving out to these weird little towns north of Hamilton.
Twin Peaks was special because it was so groundbreaking. In the early '90s it really changed television a lot. A bunch of weird shows, like Northern Exposure, came on after that.
Twin Peaks was special because it was so groundbreaking. In the early 90s it really changed television a lot. A bunch of weird shows, like Northern Exposure, came on after that.
You can be really weird, and people will still accept you if you're in movies. I'm not actually weird, but if I feel like being weird, then I can do it, and they accept it because you're an actor.
I've had a lot of people come up to me after shows and tell me that "Dollhouse" really helped them with whatever they were going through with their families. I thought that was really amazing, that it could mean one thing for me but another thing for someone else.
You know something has really stuck in Tim's head when he's drawn what the character looks like. Weird Girl and Elsa actually switched places, at one point. I may be mis-remembering it, but the original design for Weird Girl was actually Elsa, but then it became Winona Ryder's character, and the new Weird Girl was just fantastic with those giant wide eyes.
What I can say is I think [Miley Cyrus] a fantastic artist. She's got a fantastic voice. I made a comment in the past that I really regret making because I never like being mean.
I think 'Nathan for You' is a really funny show, along with 'The Grinder' and 'Baskets.' I really like 'Man Seeking Woman.' It's the coolest show because they just do weird stuff, and it doesn't feel weird; they make it normal somehow, which I applaud. And 'Broad City' - I think those guys are awesome.
The guys on the stunt team are really fantastic. It's really funny, because for all the aggression they have to display on screen, they're actually really happy, good- natured people.
Film work can be anything from just really hard and stressful and you're subjected to really weird deadlines to really draconian and weird and disconnected. You're working in service of the thing, and that can be really amazing for everyone involved, or be kind of just a waste of time.
I do feel like I've missed out a bit because I was really close with my sisters when I was at home. It must be weird for them but they cope really well.
I have a lot of friends who come from alcoholic families, and they aren't alcoholics, because someone explained it to them. When I was in Washington DC, they really talked about the difference statistically between families that talk about drug addiction and ones that don't. The kids that can say "I see where this is going" have a much better chance of not becoming addicts, because they have been educated.
This sounds weird, but some of my concerts have been kind of dangerous sometimes. I've had a few girls actually sent to the hospital because they faint and all that kind of stuff, which is really, really weird to me.
I really like doing television shows, and I anticipated doing a comedy, because that's the place I feel the most comfortable - those are the risks I want to take. But it was always really hard for me to find a script that I really liked.
Shows like Game of Thrones, stories like that, only really come around once every 10, 15 years. I can't remember the last time a show has really caught the imagination that way. Maybe Star Wars back in the '70s.
I absolutely loved working with Tim Burton because he is just a creative, outside of the box thinker. How he does things is fantastic. It is different - weird different - and he does things that are groundbreaking. They are courageous to do and once you do them you are like, 'Wow! That really does work!'
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