A Quote by Bono

In my dream, I was drowning my sorrows But my sorrows they learned to swim — © Bono
In my dream, I was drowning my sorrows But my sorrows they learned to swim

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I drank to drown my sorrows, but the damned things learned how to swim.
If you ever know a man who tries to drown his sorrows, kindly inform him his sorrows know how to swim.
I tried to drown my sorrows, but the bastards learned how to swim, and now I am overwhelmed by this decent and good feeling.
Remember that everyone you meet is afraid of something, loves something and has lost something. People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they're not on your road doesn't mean they've gotten lost. If you know someone who tries to drown their sorrows, you might tell them sorrows know how to swim.
Love sorrows are addictive as other sorrows are not.
Participate joyfully in the sorrows of the world. We cannot cure the world of sorrows, but we can choose to live in joy.
He truly sorrows who sorrows unseen.
...the sorrows God sent us brought comfort and strength with them, while the sorrows we brought on ourselves, through folly or wickedness, were by far the hardest to bear.
Structural linguistics is a bitterly divided and unhappy profession, and a large number of its practitioners spend many nights drowning their sorrows in Ouisghian Zodahs.
Bear sorrows for the sake of the Heavenly Kingdom. Without sorrows there is no salvation. On the other hand, the Kingdom of God awaits those who have patiently endured. And all the glory of the world is nothing in comparison. My joy! I implore you to acquire a peaceful spirit.
I can bear my own sorrows, but the sorrows arising from the calamities visiting Islam and Muslims have crushed me. I feel each blow delivered to the Muslim world as delivered first to my own heart.
We pick our own sorrows out of the joys of other men, and from their sorrows likewise we derive our joys.
I have heard people say that they drink to forget their sorrows but the more I drink the more sorrows I collect
Shallow sorrows and shallow loves live on. The loves and sorrows that are great are destroyed by their own plenitude.
While other worldviews lead us to sit in the midst of life’s joys, foreseeing the coming sorrows, Christianity empowers its people to sit in the midst of this world’s sorrows, tasting the coming joy.
Sorrows, as storms, bring down the clouds close to the earth; sorrows bring heaven down close; and they are instruments of cleansing and purifying.
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