A Quote by Brad Pitt

Jesse [James] was known as a kind of Robin Hood character and also it was known that his exploits were somewhat dubious - however, he perpetuated this myth. Our film [The Assassination of Jesse James] really takes place at the end of all that, the last year of his life, at the end of all that celebrity.
Just because you shot Jesse James, don't make you Jesse James.
I had the luxury of working on the script with Andrew [Dominik] for a good year before the film started, so I was already intimate with the story [of The Assassination of Jesse James] and felt quite prepared walking into it.
There are certain aspects of celebrity that I understand, although that's not the main point of the story [in Assassination of Jesse James] , but it is one of the by products. I certainly understand what its like to be hunted and have a bounty on my head but at least nobody is pointing guns at me.
'The Assassination of Jesse James' remains one of my favorite films that I've done. You know, it's still labeled a loser.
I would be Jesse Martin ..., but not to be his character, just so I could be Jesse Martin and sing like Jesse Martin for a day.
[Robert] Ford had the idea that through fame he would receive some personal validity, but he didn't. I feel that these are not the main themes, but certainly themes that are at play in this film [Assassination of Jesse James].
Jesse Jackson's in trouble. They're going after this tax thing. Jesse said he will amend his taxes to show the money that he paid to his mistress. See, he has just one mistress. Jesse uses the standard mistress deduction. As opposed to Clinton, who had to itemize.
I come from the belief that all good films find their time whether it's on opening week or sometime later. That's certainly true with some of my favourite films that might relate to this [The Assassination of Jesse James] film in terms of cadence like Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid, or McCabe & Mrs Miller or Days of Heaven. I found them 10 to 20 years after they were made.
The choice or decision to take on a film certainly isn't calculated as far as doing something that will be successful against something that will have a smaller audience. It's all a gamble to me, I don't bet on the horses; I just go with the story that speaks to me and that I feel strongly about which is this one [The Assassination of Jesse James].
Well, one of my favorite ones to work on - besides just about any scene from 'Deadwood' - was my scene with Brad Pitt in 'Assassination of Jesse James'. That was just a fun day.
Hasn’t anyone ever told you,” Jesse asked, in a semi-amused voice, “ that a gentleman never lays a hand on a lady?” Which I thought was kind of funny, considering where Jesse had had his hand the last time I’d seen him. But I thought it better to let that slide.
I may not have the gun that Jesse James had when he was gunned down, but if there's a piece identified with him and the same place, then I get interested; it's always excited me.
Jesse Jackson also said he thought Barack Obama was talking down to black people by lecturing them on things like fatherhood and being a responsible husband. Jesse thought it was insulting, not only to him, but to his former mistress and their love child.
My Grandpa Tony was a legend in our family, and also in his own mind. There's no end to the tales of his exploits.
There's been about 75 movies about Jesse James, and I've seen about four of them. He's usually portrayed as this plucky rebel who's got no choice but to turn to crime, because the railway's hassling his mother. But he wasn't like that.
My teachers could easily have ridden with Jesse James for all the time they stole from me.
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