A Quote by Bradley Wright-Phillips

I don't choose to be humble. — © Bradley Wright-Phillips
I don't choose to be humble.
God will have a humble people. Either we can choose to be humble, or we can be compelled to be humble.
Anyone who is humble but still super accomplished, super recognized, renowned, has status, and has every reason to not have to be humble if they don't want to, but they still choose to be humble because they value that humanity is connected - that we're all on the same level as humans - that humility is what wins my heart.
There is only one way out of the trap: that you don`t choose; neither this nor that - you simply don`t choose. You withdraw from choice and you become choiceless. Choicelessness is freedom. To choose is to choose a prison; to choose is to choose a bondage. To choose is wrong, to be choiceless is to be right.
This I choose to do. If there is a price, this I choose to pay. If it is my death, then I choose to die. Where this takes me, there I choose to go. I choose. This I choose to do.
These possessions of a simpleton being the three I choose and cherish: to care, to be fair, to be humble.
We can choose to humble ourselves by confessing and forsaking our sins and being born of God.
You can do one of two things: You can humble yourself or life will humble you. I think it's a lot easier to find a way to humble yourself.
Each new moment presents an opportunity for conscious choice. We can choose to let go of the past. We can choose to be here now. We can choose to accept responsibility for ourselves. . . . We can choose to awaken. Or we can choose to remain asleep and unconscious.
We can choose to humble ourselves by receiving counsel and chastisement, . . . by forgiving those who have offended us, . . . by rendering selfless service. . . .
You have to learn humility. First of all you have to be humble people. Unless and until you have a large heart you can never humble down. You have to be an extremely humble person. Humility doesn't mean that you bow to a person who is dominating, it never means that. But it means a strength within you. The person who is weak can never be humble.
Don't choose. If you choose, you will be in the quagmire. Don't choose! A choiceless awareness is the goal. Just remain aloof; don't choose. The moment you choose, you have fallen into the trap of the world, or into the trap of the mind.
Kindness and humbleness are really good qualities to possess. But, if you have to use the word humble, it means you're not humble. And if you're not humble to this world, this world will thrust humbleness upon you.
I've met a lot of big stars who have humility. Sly Stallone is a very humble guy. Robert DeNiro is a really humble guy. Some of the women aren't so humble for some reason. I don't know why.
You can choose a ready guide in some celestial voice. If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice. You can choose from phantom fears and kindness that can kill. I will choose a path thats clear. I will choose Freewill.
When it feels like we need to choose between being right and being humble- pick both
It's not hard for me to stay humble. I think there is always somebody better than me, so that's what keeps me humble. A lot of people could learn how to stay humble.
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