A Quote by Bram Cohen

The trick is to fix the problem you have, rather than the problem you want. — © Bram Cohen
The trick is to fix the problem you have, rather than the problem you want.

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The difficult notes are when they say, "And this is how we want you to fix it . . ." Just tell me what the problem is. Just tell me what the issue is, and I'll go off an fix it. It's usually when executives get to a place where they're trying to fix the problem for you that you have issues
Washington doesn't have just a spending problem, or just an entitlement problem, or just a taxing problem. We have a leadership problem. Fix that, and the first three problems are solved.
What would you rather do? Fix a small problem well or answer a small problem well or flail around at the big ones and pay a lot of lip service?
If the national government doesn't fix your problem, you've got a problem. You've got to fix it yourself. That's just part of the American way.
If we want to impact hundreds - or millions - of people, we have to do things differently. If we look at the problem as an infrastructural problem, we cannot make an impact because it requires a lot of effort. But when we convert this problem into a knowledge problem, suddenly the problem is manageable.
The main problem with those who deny the existence of God is not intellectual. It is not because of insufficient information, or that God's manifestation of himself in nature has been obscured. The atheists' problem is not that they cannot know God, rather it is they do not want to know him. Man's problem with the existence of God is not an intellectual problem; it is a moral problem." For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men - Rom. 1:18"
My problem is I'm like a junkie. I want a good movie fix, and I never get that fix.
The definition of a good mathematical problem is the mathematics it generates rather than the problem itself.
That was the biggest compliment that I can receive - making somebody wonder whether they have the problem, rather than what my problem is.
The trouble with most problem-solving books for parents is that they start with the idea that the child has a problem. Then they try to tell us how to fix the child, or else, after blaming the parent, they suggest how we can fix ourselves.
Having served in the military, I know that militaries can stop a problem, but they can't fix a problem.
I'm incredibly boring and logical, so if I have a problem I will try and fix that problem.
To ask the 'right' question is far more important than to receive the answer. The solution of a problem lies in the understanding of the problem; the answer is not outside the problem, it is in the problem.
And this speaks to the larger problem that no one wants to talk about: the restoration of the Roman rite is a precondition for a long-term fix for the problem.
Not realizing what you want is a problem of knowledge. Not pursuing what you want is a problem of motivation. Not achieving what you want is a problem of persistence.
If you can fix a problem with money, it's not really a problem.
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