A Quote by Brandi Rhodes

I have spent my last few years training and aggressively becoming the best wrestler that I can and I will continue to do that but at the same time I've been in every major locker room of the professional wrestling world.
In my first fight, I acknowledged it. I'm a professional wrestler, this is who I am, who you know me as. But guess what, I've also been wrestling since I was 5 years old - real wrestling - amateur wrestling, Olympic wrestling.
You cannot trust 25 guys in a locker room to have the same respect and training as I do with a weapon. That I do understand. I've carried a gun for 10 years. I've carried them in the locker room, and nobody really knows about it. I know how to handle myself.
At 15-years-old, I always wanted to do professional wrestling, and at 15, I started training as a professional wrestler. It was always the plan to become an entertainer, a sports entertainer.
So making the choice to be involved in the pro wrestling industry is always looked at as a short-lived choice, and there are very few and far in between opportunities to continue a career in wrestling if your time is up as a wrestler, as a female.
I'm a second-generation professional wrestler. My family, the Rhodes family, has been wrestling for 50-odd years.
We [Cleveland Browns] are from the same segments of America that everyone else is from. We have the same diversity, the same mix, so we don't run away from issues amongst each other, because we're brothers and we have to build that bond because we're always on the quest to be world champions. That's always our quest, and if you don't have that bond, it's not going to happen. So I guess every locker room is different, but our locker room I think is more than fine.
When I came to Mumbai to act and it didn't work out for me for few years, I thought I will go back to training but casting room has been a great training space for me.
I was told I have to work 10 years to get a doctorate. Well, I have worked all that time to become a doctor in professional wrestling. So to speak, I have a Ph.D. in professional wrestling.
Every few years we disappear, Zoey. All our cells are replaced by others. Not a single bit of me is the same as when I was last in this room.
I have friends in other industries but if I am training for a wrestling match, I would turn to the best wrestler to train, not a football player.
Triple H is a former bodybuilder. He's all about bodies. He thought that Hulk Hogan was the greatest wrestler in the world. They think Ultimate Warrior was the greatest wrestler in the world because that's what they're attracted to, but he's not really a wrestling fan like I grew up. I was a wrestling fan.
It's definitely not the typical path. But at the same time, I've been working at this since I was young. I've been swimming and running my entire life, and I've been given so much support the last few years in cycling, that I've been able to improve. And I'm still improving and still absorbing that support to help me get to be the best that I can be.
The sport of wrestling is a tremendous builder of the values and characteristics which are needed to succeed in any walk of life. Much of what I have managed to achieve in life I owe directly to the years I spent in the wrestling room, as an athlete and a coach. Wrestling is a great educational tool.
I've been in WWE for 22 years and reached a point in my career where, within the locker room, I'm one of the people that guys come to if something needs to be discussed. I'm also one of the people that the WWE executives, if there is a problem in the locker room, I'm one people that is consulted about that.
But I really think wrestling with pure intentions just wrestling to be a better wrestler, eventually you will get there when the time is right.
I think NXT is kind of like the Cleveland, Ohio, of professional wrestling. We're that underdog whose hungry, who's always out to prove people wrong, and that's kind of what our locker room represents.
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