A Quote by Brandon Bays

After about ten years of study I ended up feeling so full and blessed that I wanted to give some of what was given to me back to humanity. — © Brandon Bays
After about ten years of study I ended up feeling so full and blessed that I wanted to give some of what was given to me back to humanity.
After my first marriage ended in 2002 I went out with someone who made me feel very sexy. He was ten years younger than me and full of the joy of youth, which was wonderful after all the sadness of divorce, and a great confidence boost.
Paper after paper, study after study, have shown that chairs give us back problems because they shorten our hip flexors, give us weak backs, of course it make us sedentary. We take years off our lives probably by sitting in chairs, but we like them because they're comfortable. You go to an African village, you find me a chair with a back. That's a rare thing out there.
I always wanted to be an NBA ball player since I was eight years old. I kind of went on the road of sports and I ended up on the stage with the microphone. For me it's like a dream come full circle. I think some people do it because their agent tells them it's a good look to get some publicity. But myself, I eat, live, and breathe basketball.
Back when I played for Pescara I was sought after by a lot of clubs, but if I had ended up at Juventus I doubt they would have given me the same space that I have with PSG.
I used to be an over-packer! It took me a while to be smart about what I brought with me. I used to tour with a huge bag full of clothes and another one full of shoes because I wanted to have choices. And I ended up wearing the same pair of shoes all the time!
Give yourself ten years of failing with a smile on your face. If, after ten years, you still have the passion, you're heading to success!
God has blessed me. I've been given a lot. I'm at peace with myself. It's time to give back.
My parents had the plan for my life from the moment my mother tested positive with me. Looking back now, I'd say the hard turn for me was when I left school after the eighth grade to play tennis full time and study some with a travelling tutor.
God is a God who has not given up on His people. If He wanted to give up, He would have given up back in the Garden of Eden.
Most of my videos are 60 seconds long. They can only fit about 200 words. There are a lot of things that I wanted to discuss about a given topic - my feelings behind it, how I ended up making a video, what happened before and after - that I couldn't because I had this 60-second limit.
The ministers argue that within the context of scripture there's a requirement given by God that you've got to give ten percent of your income to the church. And if you give ten percent - here's the hook - God is going to reward your faithfulness by giving you that ten percent back, and a whole lot more.
After we did [All In The Family], that ended up being a real love fest all around. Me and Norman, Norman [Lear] and me, Rob Reiner, everybody liked everybody. So about six or seven months later I moved out to L.A. and I got a call that Norman wanted to see me. I came in and he said "ABC has given me a property that they just optioned to make into a TV series. It's from a play called Hot L Baltimore, and I want you to be in it."
I wanted to get my coaching badges after retiring, and I asked to take the exam, but they told me I needed to study for four years. I told them they were crazy. Who is going to study for four years? How is someone going to teach me technical things when I know more than they do?
To give back during a holiday where it's all about giving and being thankful - I've always been blessed to have a meal on my plate during Thanksgiving - and to spread that feeling to someone else's family, it's special. This is something that is truly important to me.
Beauty is about Accepting yourself for who you are. It's about feeling secure about yourself. It's about feeling so blessed everyday that we are given the chance to live. All those beautiful feeling and positive energy inside you, now that is what makes you beautiful.
It's a good feeling to be at a place where you know who you are as an artist. I didn't know back then, I just wanted to give my family a better life and myself. I wanted to sing, but I didn't know as an artist who I wanted to be and because of all those experiences, it helped shape me into who I am and what I've now realized and what it is that brings me happiness which is when I pick up the guitar and do records.
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