A Quote by Brandon Rios

I can't overlook any opponent because all fighters are dangerous. Every fighter is dangerous. — © Brandon Rios
I can't overlook any opponent because all fighters are dangerous. Every fighter is dangerous.
Substances like LSD, which give away a secret about the nature of the social game - the human game and what underlies it - are potentially dangerous, of course, like any good thing is. Electricity is dangerous, fire is dangerous, cars are dangerous, planes are dangerous, but not so dangerous as driving on the freeway. The only way to handle danger is to face it. If you start getting frightened of it, then you make it worse. Because you project onto it all kinds of bogeys and threats which don't exist in it at all.
Che Mills is a great fighter, and a worthy opponent. Just because he hasn't been seen in front of the camera that many times doesn't mean he's not dangerous or a great martial artist.
Anderson Silva is a tough guy, man. He's dangerous. He's got heavy hands, and he's not afraid to throw them. He's a dangerous opponent for anyone.
I'm scared of any fighter I've ever fought because they are some dangerous people to be dealing with.
I'm scared of any fighter I've ever fought because they are some dangerous people to be dealing with. That's also where the anxiety comes from.
Man is a rope stretched between the animal and the Superman-a rope over an abyss. A dangerous crossing, a dangerous wayfaring, a dangerous looking-back, a dangerous trembling and halting
Instinct told me it was dangerous. I could handle dangerous. Dangerous and me went back a long way. We did lunch when dangerous was in town.
Because I'm dangerous. I don't mean to be but I am. I'm dangerous to be around, dangerous to everybody. I cause harm. I might even harm you. And I couldn't bear that.
There are no little fights for me. I consider every fighter dangerous. You lose when you think a fighter is not on your level and then he comes in hungrier than you. That will never happen to me.
We can't go in the ring and think opponent is going to be like that from the last knockout. We don't know how he is personally. We have to go in there and wait and wait and wait and see what he has because he is still a dangerous opponent.
This is boxing. It's not like a baseball game. The fighters say, 'I need a lot of money or I don't fight, because it's very dangerous.'
The best jokes are dangerous, and dangerous because they are in some way truthful.
I'm a pragmatic man. I'll veer on the dangerous side, because I love dangerous subjects, but I won't shoot a show in the foot.
Everybody has those certain fighters they follow and that they really put on a high pedestal. They want to give the most shine that they possibly can. They look for any reason to break down a fighter's performance to when it isn't their favorite fighter in any positive thought.
Maidana is a young, strong and tough competitor. He's a guy that I can't overlook. You can never take any fighter for granted because anything can happen.
The people I've encountered who are really dangerous in my life don't go around with their fangs drawn - they are dangerous because of the way they interpret what's going on.
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