A Quote by Brendon Burchard

The ultimate secret to growth is finding something worth fighting for — © Brendon Burchard
The ultimate secret to growth is finding something worth fighting for
If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing well. If it is worth having, it is worth waiting for. If it is worth attaining, it is worth fighting for. If it is worth experiencing, it is worth putting aside time for.
It is a perplexing and unpleasant truth that when men already have "something worth fighting for,they do not feel like fighting.
For me, lost causes are the only ones that are worth fighting for. The other stuff is not worth fighting for.
We've been blessed with the opportunity to stand for something - for liberty and freedom and fairness. And these are things worth fighting for, worth devoting our lives to.
Those of us who read carried around with us like martyrs a secret knowledge, a secret joy, and a secret hope: There is a life worth living where history is still taking place; there are ideas worth dying for, and circumstances where courage is still prized.
You see something very important is happening. Personality is being eaten out, and with that the idealism that always motivated an anarchist movement - the belief in something, the ideal that there is something worth fighting for.
A cause worth fighting for is worth fighting for to the end.
When it is important for you to say something and you find a vehicle to say it, then go for it. It is so rare when that happens so I think every minute spent fighting for it is always worth it. Even if nothing ends up happening, it's still worth the fight.
Find something in your life worth fighting for
Prayer is the difference between you fighting for God and God fighting for you. Secret prayer is our secret weapon.
I feel that I want to do something of worth and value and it's just a question of finding that.
Without history we are nothing, so it's worth finding out something about it.
I support anyone finding their worth despite being told they can't do something.
This ultimate fighting stuff is something I don't agree with. Once a man is down, you have to let him have a chance to prove how good he is.
A vision is something worth living for, and it is something worth dying for. In fact, if it is not worth dying for, it is not worth living for. Brave, godly martyrs throughout history have proven time and again that what we as Christians live for is worth dying for.
There's something quite magical that can happen when a secret is no longer a secret - or is a shared secret or a common secret. By allowing those boundaries to be porous, certain forms of oppression may be lifted.
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