A Quote by Brendon Burchard

Aliveness doesn't happen in silence. Aliveness doesn't happen in repression. Aliveness happens in action. — © Brendon Burchard
Aliveness doesn't happen in silence. Aliveness doesn't happen in repression. Aliveness happens in action.
When you go deeply into the present, gratitude arises spontaneously, even if it's just gratitude for breathing, gratitude for the aliveness that you feel in your body. Gratitude is there when you acknowledge the aliveness of the present moment.
But it is important to realize we are all trapped in mental constructs, and so we separate ourselves from reality; the whole world loses its aliveness-or, rather, we lose our ability to sense that aliveness, the sacredness of nature. When we approach nature through the conceptualizing mind, we see a forest as a commodity, a concept. We no longer see it for what it truly is, but for what we want to use it as. It is reduced. This is how it becomes possible for humans to destroy the planet without realizing what they are doing.
The peace that comes with surrendered action turns to a sense of aliveness when you actually enjoy what you are doing.
Without perceiving things through the old filter of past conditioning and conceptualization, one can sense the universe is intensely alive. Even so-called inanimate objects - I often pick up little objects and just look at them and sense that they are alive. Physicists actually confirm that what we perceive as dead matter is not dead at all. Everything is an intensely alive energy field. That aliveness is only an aspect of the aliveness or life that I am.
Most people are so distracted by their thoughts, so identified with the voices in their heads, they no longer feel the aliveness within them. To be unable to feel the life that animates the physical body, the very life that you are, is the greatest deprivation that can happen to you.
With awareness there comes choice. And so you are able to say: "I allow this moment to be as it is". And then, suddenly, where before there was irritation, there is now a sense of aliveness and peace. And out of that comes right action.
Along with my spiritual practices of meditation, affirmative prayer, and visioning, what catalyzes my sense of aliveness is putting those practices into action by being of service to others.
All things radiate forth an intense aliveness.
In the act of giving lies the expression of my aliveness.
Spiritual awakening - is becoming awake to the aliveness of this moment.
Feel the Aliveness within your Body. That anchors You in the Now.
Somehow, when we no longer feel in control, we become available to deeper aliveness.
Children live in a world of dreams and imagination, a world of aliveness… There is a voice of wonder and amazement inside all of us; but we grow to realize we can no longer hear it, and we live in silence. It isn’t that God stopped speaking; it is that our lives became louder.
The source of continuing aliveness was to find your passion and pursue it, with whole heart and single mind.
If you seek the realms of light, the best thing to do is to meditate with love and the gentle aliveness. Meditation should not be forced.
Good writing has an aliveness that keeps the reader reading from one paragraph to the next, and it's not a question of gimmicks to "personalize" the author.
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