A Quote by Bret Hart

When you're a kid, you always think about your parents, and I still do. I try to lead with the same example that they set. — © Bret Hart
When you're a kid, you always think about your parents, and I still do. I try to lead with the same example that they set.
Most children - I know I did when I was a kid - fantasize another set of parents. Or fantasize no parents. They don't tell their real parents about that - you don't want to tell Mom and Dad. Kids lead a very private life. And I was a typical child, I think. I was a liar.
Whether I'm captain or not, I always like to think that I lead by example anyway. I do the same things as I always do and try to help the group out.
A lot of things I try to instill in my children comes off of what I've learned from my parents. First of all, you have to lead by example. You can't say one thing and behave another way. Kids learn more from watching you in life than what you say to them. So I try to be the best example I can be to them.
I think you can totally be a totally normal kid from the suburbs of Chicago and go off and play shows. It's one of those things that when you go home, you're still the nerd you were when you left, and your parents still get to yell at you about cleaning up your room, and your girlfriend still drags you to the pet store.
Well, I was always really mature for my age. I'm an above-age reader. I'm not trying to come off like, 'I have a high IQ number. My parents gave me the test.' That's the way I was, I guess. I am still a kid. I love doing kid activities. I'm such a kid, but when I'm on set, I do like to be professional.
Being on set with my dad - that's so cool. People always ask me if that made me nervous, but it's the same element when you're a kid - when your parents come in the auditorium for those school performances. It calms you.
But again, we, I think, over the years have set the example for a lot of nations that may not have had the same values, the same type of coming out of the same culture that we as Americans have and enjoy. But we can be an example, a role model for them.
But again, we, I think, over the years have set the example for a lot of nations that may not have had the same values, the same type of coming out of the same culture that we as Americans have and enjoy. But we can be an example, a role model to them.
I think as parents you want to at least try to provide a good example to your kids. So yeah, I feel like a complete hypocrite if I'm telling my son to try new things and not be afraid and I'm shying away from doing a dancing show for Pete's sake. On some level, you're at least being a good example for your kids.
I'm trying to do the right things, especially on the ice. Even when I talk to the media, I try to not be obnoxious or be rude. I try to approach you with respect. Same thing when I played, especially if you're the captain, you wanna try and set an example.
Kids pick up and absorb a lot more than you think they do. I try to do what I think is right, and I try to lead by example.
A real good artist is basically a grown-up kid, who never kills the kid. What we call being an adult is basically about killing the kid. People think you have to forget about the kid to become an adult and deal with grown-up problems. But, that's bullshit. We are still kids. It's the same, you just grow up. You're a kid with more experience.
I think that's kind of who I am. I just try to be vocal and try to lead by example.
You lead with direction, and you try to lead by example. I try to be there when things are not good and obviously share the spoils of success.
It's not always possible to sit down and eat at home in this day and age of fast-paced living, but if you are going to eat out, do so as a family and support all the great local places in your areas. I'll still eat at the same diner I did as a kid with my parents.
The leadership group I had to follow is very easy to walk in their footsteps and try to be like them. You try and set that same example for the guys coming up.
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