A Quote by Bret Hart

I don't know about England so much, but in Germany and some of these other countries, the pink was something that they liked. For those kids, the pink and black and the whole look with the sunglasses and the leather jacket was the right kind of hero they could get behind, and I think that really set me apart from everyone else.
A leather jacket,” Kami said as he shrugged into it. “Aren’t you trying a little too hard to play into certain bad boy clichés?” “Nah”, said Jared. “You’re thinking of black leather. Black leather’s for bad boys. It’s all in the color. You wouldn’t think I was a bad boy if I was wearing a pink leather jacket.” “That’s true,” Kami said. “What I would think of you, I do not know. So what does brown leather mean, then?” “I’m going for manly,” Jared said. “Maybe a little rugged.” “It’s bits of dead cow; don’t ask it to perform miracles.
I like a bohemian floral dress, but then I'll throw on a leather jacket or a pair of lace-up boots to give it an edge. My mom is always trying to get me to wear really sweet clothes. Something pink. But that's not really my look.
If you see me, I'm always wearing black and pink. If I don't have it on, I at least have something that's black and pink. For instance, like, a bracelet or something.
I realized that the way I approached architecture was with a somewhat fashion brain. That didn't get me very good marks in school, because everyone thought fashion was lightweight. In architecture they say, "Well, why is the door pink? Where does it go? What does the pink mean? What does it symbolize? All the other doors are beige, why is that one pink?" I was like, "Well, it's pink because it's pretty."
Justin Salinger showed up one day with a pink cowboy hat on and everyone else got really annoyed because somehow he'd managed to get the pink cowboy hat.
A leather jacket always makes you look cooler, sometimes more chic, and it elevates your look to make you look like you've purchased something expensive to set yourself apart.
Miami is just really fun whenever I go there. It's like this post-apocalyptic Barbie world: everything is pink, and there're palm trees everywhere. But then there are also all these people in crazy sunglasses, warehouses with sick parties where all the girls are covered in spikes and black leather. It's a very weird place.
I don't know how it happened, but everyone thinks I'm this crazy b***h. Maybe because I don't have eyebrows. A lot of bands talk s**t about me and I post a blog calling them out. F**k them. The future is bright pink so put on some sunglasses, b****es.
You'd probably never recognize the drummer from your favorite band ever, if they walked past you on the street. I didn't even recognize the drummer from Pink Floyd the other day, and they're one of the biggest bands in the world ever. That's their choice, they're not the front man, they don't want to be, they want to be behind their drum kit. They're always the ones in the photo shoots that look slightly uncomfortable when they're forced to wear a leather jacket.
Pink is my favourite colour. I used to say my favourite colour was black to be cool, but it is pink - all shades of pink. If I have an accessory, it is probably pink.
I was a little biker girl. I thought it was cool; everyone else thought it was really weird. The other little girls were all in these pretty dresses, and my mum bought me this black, studded leather jacket, which I loved.
You can get away with black sweatpants for a day or two, but pink is something you wear for one day: the day before you go to the washer or cleaners. When people wear pink t-shirts for three straight days, it disturbs me. It aggravates me.
I get called Pink quite a lot. The Pink of the Action Sport World. Or Queen of the Dirt - some call me that.
My favorite color right now is purple, but it used to be pink. It's kind of always going to be pink.
Im wearing an outfit that looks just like a cupcake ... a pink frothy blouse, low cut ... everything a little inappropriately girlie ... Pink, pink, lot of pink, ... Out of Practice.
When I first started wearing pink, it wasn't nothing I planned on doing or strategized. But people showed me so much love for the pink mink I wore, I had to go out to Pantone and create my own color, which is called Killa Pink.
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