A Quote by Bret Hart

Wrestling fans dictate policy; they really do. What direction each wrestler takes usually revolves around what the fans think of them. — © Bret Hart
Wrestling fans dictate policy; they really do. What direction each wrestler takes usually revolves around what the fans think of them.
What makes that turnstile turn? That's what made wrestling what it has become. The fans dictate the direction of the wrestling industry.
My initial goal was not really cater to the hardcore wrestling fans or the smarter wrestling fans. It was to cater to casual wrestling fans.
I understand it now because I worked with the best of the best, but I didn't get at first that people have an extreme passion for wrestling and the wrestlers. The fans are really intimately connected with each wrestler.
WWE style is a much different platform than other wrestling companies. Each wrestler wrestles under strict rules that fans never know.
We are so lucky because all our fans from around the world are great. We love all our fans from everywhere, and they want us to visit them. We will try! They are really the best fans we could wish for.
It's the fans that dictate what wrestling is. That's the one constant from 1917 to 2017.
There's a lot of crossover between comic fans, wrestling fans and pop culture fans.
There's not as many passive wrestling fans as people would think. There are a lot of fans who just can't get enough, and they're almost more interested in what's going on behind the scenes and the business of wrestling then they are, necessarily, of what's going on inside of the ring.
I feel really lucky about being able to live a life that revolves around my passion. People are really supportive, and I've got some great fans.
I got a lot of fans, like core fans, that love me. I ain't one of the dudes that sell five or 10 million brackets, but my followers are stern. They're there. My fans - Jadakiss fans, LOX fans, D-Block fans - they loyal.
Clubs have sponsors. They are just there for commercial reasons but the club calls them partners. Then you have the fans. The fans are emotionally involved, they are loyal, and the clubs call them customers. I think fans owning a share of the club would mean the owners know what 'customers' really think and feel.
From what I can see, gone are the days where you can just be the strongest, and that will put you at the top. It takes a little bit more... something else to grab the attention of not just pro wrestling fans but fans in general - to catch their eye.
While I'm still healthy, while I still have ideas in this crazy head of mine, I want to contribute, and I want to do things that are going to make wrestling fans happy and are going to make new people into wrestling fans that were wrestling fans before. I want to contribute in that manner.
MMA fans and pro wrestling fans are similar in that they care about their sports very much. They want to see that you're serious and not making fun of them or the sport that they love.
I love Rampage fans. I don't love all MMA fans, but I love Rampage fans. And I really want my fans to know that. I think my fans know when they come in contact with me.
There’s rivalry between the Harry Potter fans and the Twilight fans. And Twilight fans think they’re much cooler than the Harry Potter fans. And I’m like, I dunno why, they’d all get their butts kicked by the Doctor Who fans.
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