A Quote by Brett Goldstein

You've heard this phrase and I don't think I understood it until I was making 'Ted Lasso,' this thing of 'the sandbox.' It's like we build the sandbox, we have the characters, we've got the action figures, and Season 2, we get to play with them and move them around.
Playing is no challenge; every time that you get a role you get to go play with other people in the sandbox and so there is no challenge, real challenge. The challenge, the major challenge is getting the work, finding the sandbox.
I think Marvel's incredibly supportive of young auteurs and really let them do their thing and support their vision. They give you a sandbox to play in, but it's a pretty massive one.
The same thing that happened to Ted Lasso in the show, his expansion beyond those initial perceptions, happened to 'Ted Lasso,' the show. People thought it would be one thing, but no, it's a whole lot more.
We are looking for ways where you can have a sandbox, where you have a restricted environment within which people can try new things, and I can try new rules. And depending on what works, then I open up the sandbox, and it becomes the new rule for the whole system.
I long ago abandoned myself to a blind lust for the written word. Literature is my sandbox. In it I play, build my forts and castles, spend glorious time.
I all but literally had a conversation with myself of like, 'You have to stop thinking about 'Ted Lasso.' It's not healthy to think about 'Ted Lasso,' it's not going to happen, it's just not going to happen, man.'
I do think being a prissy tomboy helps me in raising a son in general. I wrestle with him, play ball, play in the sandbox with him. As a mom, you get bruises, scrapes on your knee.
I used to dig around the sandbox and pull out pieces of coal and show them to my mother, and she used to say that's how I must have known I was going to be a geologist.
But overall I've always learned to play well in the sandbox with the people I'm working with. I think that's my minor-league training.
I like the lasso of truth. There is something so beautiful about the fact that people have to tell the truth when they have the lasso around them. And it's not too violent.
It took me a lot of years on the 'Burnett' show to feel like I had earned the privilege to play in the sandbox with the grown-ups.
It's [Ted] Cruz and [Donald] Trump until the establishment or unless the establishment figures rally around one person. I still think the best person for them to rally around is Chris Christie. Chris Christie would be the most interesting.
Reverend Ted Haggard's followers still think he's not gay. I'm not kidding. In their world, there are no gay people. There are just straight people who are sinning. They don't want to do it, but the Devil makes them! He targets people like Reverend Ted. That's how it happened. The Devil got hold of Reverend Ted, and Ted said, 'Get thee behind me, Satan! And put it in, gently'.
Even though it is virtual, we still provide a 'sandbox-style' play environment.
I like to play characters, man. I almost don't even think of them as good guys or bad guys. I know that's a hard thing to realize, but I really just think of them as characters.
Most of the time, the creative part is like playing in a sandbox. I can sit here and work for 12 hours and not get tired of it.
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