A Quote by Brett Kavanaugh

Whether the Constitution allows indictment of a sitting president is debatable. — © Brett Kavanaugh
Whether the Constitution allows indictment of a sitting president is debatable.
Congress should clarify that a sitting president is not subject to criminal indictment while in office.
Whether it's a sitting president when I was an impeachment manager, or a Republican president who has taken liberties with adherence to the law, to me the standard is the same.
It's kind of debatable whether or not the advertisement model is effective. Like whether Nielsen works.
I think when the military ousts a sitting president, even if the sitting president is deeply unpopular, that's the definition of a coup.
Anybody who questions the validity of the Constitution, whether it works in the modern era, should never be president.
Heaven knows that alcohol is the worst thing in the world, but it's debatable whether cocaine is worse than caffeine or whether it's the same thing and they just changed the name.
I will not let the Patriot Act, the most unpatriotic of acts, go unchallenged. At the very least, we should debate. We should debate whether or not we are going to relinquish our rights, or whether or not we are going to have a full and able debate over whether or not we can live within the Constitution, or whether or not we have to go around the Constitution.
I think the United States, whether you have a Democratic president or whether you have a Republican president, is bound by international law, whether some senators like it or not.
The law, in this country, is dead. The Supreme Court doesn't follow the Constitution, Congress doesn't follow the Constitution. The President doesn't even want to follow the Constitution. And yet we're the ones called radical.
I'm completely perplexed how someone who has most of the mainstream media for Hillary Clinton, well all the mainstream media, well most of the media for her, she's got a sitting president - a sitting First Lady far more popular than she'll ever supposed to be, a former president also her husband, the sitting vice president, a thousand people working in Brooklyn, she has all these states locked up and she can't crack 50% and stay there.
If you look at the Constitution, the two clauses of the Constitution make it very clear the president shall nominate, and the Senate shall provide advice and consent. It's been since 1888 that a Senate of a different party than the president in the White House confirmed a Supreme Court nominee.
One of the most solemn responsibilities of the president and it's set out expressly in the Constitution is that the president is to take care that the laws are faithfully executed, and that means the Constitution. It means statutes. It means treaties. It means all of the laws of the United States.
It was a fair decision, the penalty, even though it was debatable whether it was inside or outside the box
It was a fair decision, the penalty, even though it was debatable whether it was inside or outside the box.
Basically, if you become president, you must swear to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and what the Constitution says.
I took an oath to protect the Constitution, and protecting the Constitution means not letting the president bypass the separation of powers.
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