A Quote by Brian D. McLaren

We need not a new set of beliefs, but a new way of believing, not simply new answers to the same old questions, but a new set of questions. — © Brian D. McLaren
We need not a new set of beliefs, but a new way of believing, not simply new answers to the same old questions, but a new set of questions.
Philosophy may be defined as the art of asking the right question...awareness of the problem outlives all solutions. The answers are questions in disguise, every new answer giving rise to new questions.
To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science.
One of the best skills of an entrepreneur is the ability to question. By asking new questions, new answers are found.
The function of genius is not to give new answers, but to pose new questions which time and mediocrity can resolve.
To be born again is, as it were, to enter upon a new existence, to have a new mind, a new heart, new views, new principles, new tastes, new affections, new likings, new dislikings, new fears, new joys, new sorrows, new love to things once hated, new hatred to things once loved, new thoughts of God, and ourselves, and the world, and the life to come, and salvation.
Jesus of Nazareth ushers in not simply a new religious possibility, not simply a new ethic or a new way of salvation, but a new creation.
Cameos are fun. You get to be the new kid on a new set, in a new world with a new family.
New questions can produce new scientific leaps. They can tiddlywink new flips of insight and understanding. Big ones. Paradigm shifts.
I believe that good questions are more important than answers, and the best children's books ask questions, and make the readers ask questions. And every new question is going to disturb someone's universe.
When you are 28, 29 years old... you are aware that this is going to be your last big contract of your career. You have to make up your mind: What is it that I want? Do I want to find something new, a new culture, a new league, a new language, new teammates, a new city? And what is it that I need to be happy? What is it that I need to perform?
I never do a whole new set of new material. I do one new joke at a time, and I wedge it in between two good jokes. Or if it's a long story, I don't do it in L.A. or New York; I do it in Kansas and Omaha, all these places I'm going this weekend.
We need a new concept of reality and a new set of values for things to change in a positive direction. LSD could help to generate such a new concept.
If there's a new idea, a new invention, or a new gas, or a new whatever you know, It should be brought at least into the open instead of carrying these same old burdens around with you.
The mere formulation of a problem is far more essential than its solution, which may be merely a matter of mathematical or experimental skills. To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle requires creative imagination and marks real advances in science.
America cannot be America in the new century until it deals with these new questions of gender, including the trans issues, and the questions around faith and Islam.
I have simply taken some of the same questions and reposed them in new ways. But, you see, I must live. Right? I mean I can't stay the same for everyone to be consumed as the author of "Gender trouble". I have to continue to live and that means I have to "reposer les questions".
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