A Quote by Brian Lara

When you succeed, you know, you can get swell-headed or you can be failing, and then you are all down in doldrums. So I try, as much as possible, to keep an even keel. — © Brian Lara
When you succeed, you know, you can get swell-headed or you can be failing, and then you are all down in doldrums. So I try, as much as possible, to keep an even keel.
People who succeed have momentum. The more they succeed, the more they want to succeed, and the more they find a way to succeed. Similarly, when someone is failing, the tendency is to get on a downward spiral that can even become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
I try to keep an even keel.
I've tried to dial my emotions down: not get too high, not get too low, try to find that even-keel tennis.
I try never to get too high when things are going well. I try never to get too low when things are going poorly. I try to keep an even keel.
If I'm mad or showing my frustration, the whole team's gonna be like that, techs, and people are going to go down. So I just try to keep the even keel. That's why I don't get too high or too low. I've been playing like that my whole life. It's just natural for me.
I'm on a health kick! I'm drawn to cheeseburgers, so I've got to just try and keep it on an even keel.
You try to stay as even-keel as possible; obviously, it's always more difficult when you're going through a tough season.
In the UK a lot of people don't like to try. There's a different cultural thing. Here [in USA] if you try and fail, you get up again and start again and keep going. People respect you for it. Even if you keep failing, they respect the tenacity.
When you're down, are you going to be mentally down and make it last longer, or are you going to stay positive, keep an even keel?
I try to keep myself on an even keel by trying to be as critical of myself as I am of other people. I try to separate my performance from myself.
There's so much to benefit from being able to control your mind in certain situations and it just keeps you even-keel all the time when things are going well and when they're not. That's one thing that I've always had a bit of a tough time doing. When I get up, I get excited. When I'm down, I get pretty frustrated.
One must never lose perspective. You don't get lost in your success, and you don't get depressed about failure, and you keep it all in an even keel.
We are all afraid. That's the thing that unites all truly successful people: fear, fear of failing, fear of criticism, fear of letting down the team in some way. That why they try so hard, that's why they pay attention to detail and try to get every possible duck in a row. It's fear
Just trying to keep going. Just try to stay in the present the best I can. Not get too big-headed or too down on myself.
It is possible to take a population of students who are failing and whose schools are failing them, who are being written off as not being college material, and if they have the right support, they can all go to college and succeed.
I try to get early contact and keep it on the ground. I like to keep the ball down as much as I can.
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