A Quote by Brian Stokes Mitchell

I kind of feel the career chose me. My motto has always been, 'Go where I'm wanted.' — © Brian Stokes Mitchell
I kind of feel the career chose me. My motto has always been, 'Go where I'm wanted.'
I wanted to be a vet when I was little, so it never really dawned on me that acting was my career, it sort of chose me more than I chose it.
I started my career because if I'd have done anything else, I would regret it. I truly feel this career chose me more than I chose it. I would say that it's for something greater than me with a little of the creative fulfillment that comes with it splashed in there.
I've always been kind of picky because I've always been interested in lots of different things. I chose to take three years off and go to school, and that helped keep me sane. Hollywood can make you crazy, if all you're thinking about is your next job.
My career has always kind of moved forward and upward. I've never had anything kind of stall out or go in the opposite direction. I've always kind of been moving in the right direction.
In my life, looking at other women who have been pregnant while writing, I always feel like it's kind of their most musical or the closest to themselves. I think for me it's such a validating moment, you know. I always knew I wanted to have kids, and I've been making music all my life.
My father always would say, "My daughter will go into politics? My daughter will become prime minister", but it's not what I wanted to do. I would say, "No, Papa, I will never go into politics." As I've said before, this is not the life I chose; it chose me ... But I accepted the responsibility and I've never wavered in my commitment.
I've always prided myself in not reveling in past accomplishments and focusing on future achievement, instead. That's been my career motto.
I think I know why you never married, Sarah." "Well, and I reckoned if I wanted something that'd come and go as he pleased, take me for granted, and ignore me when he chose, I'd get a cat. And if I wanted something I'd always have to be picking up after, getting into trouble, but slavishly devoted, I'd get a dog.
I've always kind of been the guy next door who just happens to fight for a living. I tried to figure out what was special and marketable about me early on in my career and I realized that there's absolutely nothing special about me, so I wanted that.
Pretty much my whole career, I have been aggressive. I have always been a guy that goes at pins. That's kind of the way I've been all my career, and I don't know, really, if I can change.
Actually, I've always been kind of a leader, and it's kind of just stuck with me throughout my whole career.
Life has been kind to me. I am happy with the love and appreciation that I have been getting throughout my career. I feel blessed.
I grew up in a condition where I could have chosen to go either way, negatively or positively. So I kind of chose to go positive and that stayed with me through my life, always have to have a positive outlook on whatever situation there is
I have been touched by extreme violence, and I have been robbed of the life I always wanted by someone who chose to do evil.
I'm always happy when I get a chance to go over to Japan just because I feel like, if I can have good matches with the Japanese and show them that at this point in my career I'm still willing to go out there and put it on the line, I feel like it's a positive step in my career.
Sometimes I would get invited to a party or to go out to dinner by one of them and I would decline. Part of me wanted to go, but those kind of outings always made me feel even more alienated than usual. Hearing them talk made me feel lonely and hateful at the same time. Lonely because I didn't fit in, never did. When I was reminded, it hurt. And hateful because it reaffirmed what I already knew, that I was alone and on the outside.
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