A Quote by Brian Tracy

You can develop any habit or thought or behavior that you consider desirable or necessary. — © Brian Tracy
You can develop any habit or thought or behavior that you consider desirable or necessary.
I certainly relish the chance to play a woman who didn't have to conform in any way ever to expected behavior or desirable behavior or attractive behavior.
We do not consider patriotism desirable if it contradicts civilized behavior.
Any habit may be discontinued by building in its place some other and more desirable habit.
If you want to develop courage, then simply act courageously when it's called for. If you do something over and over again, you develop a habit. Some people develop the habit of courage. Some people develop the habit of non-courage.
Every habit is made of three parts... a cue, a routine and a habit. Most people focus on the routine and behavior, but these cues and rewards are really the way you make something into a habit.
Our Constitution... has not left the religion of its citizens under the power of its public functionaries, were it possible that any of these should consider a conquest over the conscience of men either attainable or applicable to any desirable purpose.
There are some areas of the US where competition is less than desirable. And we need to be careful not to overly consolidate the hospital industry. But some consolidation is both necessary and desirable.
When women are told that sexual harassment is 'part of the job' or when assistants of both sexes enable harassing behavior, they have bought into the culture that says such behavior is not just permissible, it is a desirable expression of power.
So I would hope they would develop some kind of habit that involves understanding that their life is so full they can afford to give in all kinds of ways to other people. I consider that to be baseline spirituality.
No matter how deeply wedded one may be to the free enterprise system (and I, for one, am wedded for life), one has to accept the need for positive government; one has to consider government action on a sizable scale as desirable rather than as a necessary evil.
Sometimes, the hardest habit to break is the habit of doing nothing beyond the necessary.
Habit is necessary; it is the habit of having habits, of turning a trail into a rut, that must be incessantly fought against if one is to remain alive.
If you will make the necessary effort you can develop any talent.
My dad taught me that to be a writer is a decision and a habit. It's not anything lofty, and it doesn't have that much to do with inspiration. You have to develop the habit of being a certain way with yourself. You do it at the debt of honor.
Your desired behavior must become just as much a habit as your undesired behavior was before.
Today you may not be familiar with the happiness habit. But like any new behavior, happiness can be learned.
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