A Quote by Brian Tracy

Success can lead to complacency, and complacency is the greatest enemy of success. — © Brian Tracy
Success can lead to complacency, and complacency is the greatest enemy of success.
Success is one of the worst enemies of success, because success tends to breed complacency and lack of humility.
Success breeds complacency. Complacency breeds failure. Only the paranoid survive.
Complacency is the enemy of study. We cannot really learn anything until we rid ourselves of complacency.
A relentless focus on the outward markers of success can lead to complacency. It can make you lazy.
Complacency is almost always the product of success or perceived success
Many great persons have been of opinion that love is no other thing than complacency itself, in which they have had much appearance of reason. For not only does the movement of love take its origin from the complacency which the heart feels at the first approach of good, and find its end in a second complacency which returns to the heart by union with the thing beloved--but further, it depends for its preservation on this complacency, and can only subsist through it as through its mother and nurse; so that as soon as the complacency ceases, love ceases.
Sometimes success can bring complacency.
Don't let your success of today lay you into complacency for tomorrow. For that is the worst form of failure.
Sometimes success needs interruption to regain focus and shake off complacency.
I think uncertainty is good for things. Certainty breeds complacency and complacency means that you just sit somewhere in your nice little comfortable suburban house in Michigan, looking at CNN and saying, "Oh, those poor immigrant children that are all coming across the border. But we really can't have them here - that isn't what God wants. Let's send them all back to the drug cartels." There's a complacency to it.
With success comes complacency if you let it happen. It is human nature; there is that urge to think about how well you have done.
I will not allow yesterday's success to lull me into today's complacency, for this is the great foundation of failure.
If you don't have competition in a squad, you can have complacency - and, if you have complacency, you won't win.
Tantra and adventure are very, very connected. Perhaps the greatest enemy for one who's journeying along the spiritual path is complacency.
Americans are about to discover that their system is more vulnerable than they thought. There's a lot of complacency in American politics, there's a lot of complacency in advanced democracies generally.
Success requires enough optimism to provide hope and enough pessimism to prevent complacency.
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