A Quote by Brian Tracy

You can become an even more excellent person by constantly setting higher and higher standards for yourself and then by doing everything possible to live up to those standards.
I just think, obviously as players, we're held to a higher standard. I've had to watch myself on that, but I think if we're held to higher standards, the owners should be held to even higher standards.
There's such a crazy social expectation now that we put on ourselves and on each other about what motherhood is supposed to look and feel like. And it's impossible to live up to those standards. You're setting yourself up for failure at every possible turn.
I think that I set such high standards for myself that sometimes I expect other people to live up to these standards, and it's not fair because they're not setting the same goals for themselves.
Who you spend time with is who you become! Change your life by consciously choosing to surround yourself with people with higher standards!
Success and failure are largely self-defined in terms of personal standards. The higher the self-standards, the more likely will given attainments be viewed as failures, regardless of what others might think.
There is no question we need higher academic standards and at the local level the rigor of the Common Core state standards must be the new minimum in classrooms.
Regulators around the world have achieved an unprecedented level of collaboration since the financial crisis to create global standards for financial institutions. American regulators have largely viewed these international standards as a floor, and imposed higher standards on U.S. institutions.
Maybe the standards should be higher to be an officer. People will say there area high standards, but clearly they're not high enough.
Leaders must live by higher standards than their followers.
There are elements of Piglet that are me: the shyness and the anxieties and fears. Even after all these years. The more you know, the higher your standards are and the more you have to lose.
I believe strongly that in order to compete against VOD, the Internet - any competition - exhibition has to achieve higher standards, more comfort in everything.
It's the old story. You might be able to fool your coaches, or your teammates, or your opponents. But, you can never fool yourself in anything. I believe that the more critical you are of your own performance- the higher standards you have-the better you become at what you do.
Films allow you more preparation time, keeping the higher budgets in mind. Television makes you work really fast, but maintain certain standards. Then it's up to me to seek out the best of both worlds.
I'm pretty sure my expectations are higher than the average person's. It just sets standards.
One does not avoid incompetence if one makes an attempt whose likelihood of success is too low. This seems little more than analytic: when the performance is in a domain that imposes standards of risk, attempts may or may not meet such standards. And the relevant competence of agents then includes reliably enough meeting those standards.
I think I was very lucky to have grown up with an artist's studio in the house. It was a kind of life that was possible. Yeah, it made it kind of harder because the standards were higher, but there was no pressure.
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