A Quote by Brit Hume

When you're five years old, and you're running a business that people did not think there was room for... getting attention is not a bad thing. And letting it be known by whatever colorful language is necessary what the facts are is not a bad thing.
When you're five years old, and you're running a business that people did not think there was room for, getting attention is not a bad thing. Letting it be known by whatever colorful language is necessary is not a bad thing.
I used to think the reason I'd like to stop letting fear run my life was that it felt so bad to be afraid, and also that it was pointless - possibly wasted, if the feared thing never did materialize. But now that fear has packed its miserable bags and is running out the door, making slamming noises to call attention to itself, I begin to see how much room fear has occupied. What opportunity opens up!
[The scientist] believes passionately in facts, in measured facts. He believes there are no bad facts, that all facts are good facts, though they may be facts about bad things, and his intellectual satisfaction can come only from the acquisition of accurately known facts, from their organization into a body of knowledge, in which the inter-relationship of the measured facts is the dominant consideration.
I learned a new language for it all in the 90s. Which in some ways isn't bad... I mean getting people to think about what language actually means before they use it is a good thing. But it's become very clear the past nine years that some Americans truly resent thinking before they speak.
First thing I said to him was, 'LeBron, you know this is true. We had five good years and one bad night'. Like a marriage that's good, and then one bad thing happens, and you never talk to each other again.
A lot of people think big business in America is a bad thing. I think it's a really good thing. Most people in business are ethical, hard-working, good people. And it's a meritocracy.
And it's best if you know a good thing is going to happen, like an eclipse or getting a microscope for Christmas. And it's bad if you know a bad thing is going to happen, like having a filling or going to France. But I think it is worst if you don't know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing which is going to happen.
It upsets me that people think what I'm doing is a bad thing. I don't think it's a bad thing. If you know something to be a fact, why not report it?... If I have to drag some people screaming out of the closet, then I will.
At one point in my life, I thought getting old was a bad thing. Then I realized that the prestige, the respect, and the honor that people hold you at for being able to do anything for 20 years is well worth it.
I think it's a waste of time to worry about the motives of why people are supportive of things. I think we should look at the thing itself. And if they're supportive of something that's sexist or racist, then it's a bad thing, but it's not because they're supportive of it that it's a bad thing.
I quit after a bad car accident. The thing about boxing is that you can be a star for five or six years, but when you go back to the old life, it's tough.
To me, bad taste is what entertainment is all about. If someone vomits while watching one of my films, it's like getting a standing ovation. But one must remember that there is such a thing as good bad taste and bad bad taste.
People got this bad image about Clippers, like Clippers did something bad. But the thing is, the Clippers never did something bad, they're just another team in L.A.
I'm a believer and I think that faith is not a bad thing. But faith when we use it to make rules and control people, then it might become a bad thing.
Having a good relationship with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing. Only stupid people or fools would think it was bad.
I don't think being flawed is a bad thing for a character... nor do I think it's a bad thing for a person in life, because that's how we all are.
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