A Quote by Bruno Mars

I think that success is having fun. — © Bruno Mars
I think that success is having fun.
My goals are - I don't need much. I'm a simple man. I think that success is having fun. And when I'm having fun doing music, I'm happy. If I can make a little money on the side doing it, I'm really happy.
Having success as a team is much more fun than having individual success. I have learned this lesson through the many wins I have experienced as a team.
When we go out there, we have fun, but we get to work, and I think we're at our best when we're having fun. Having fun is key.
Never underestimate the importance of having fun. I'm dying and I'm having fun. And I'm going to keep having fun every day because there's no other way to play it.
I think the most important thing in skiing is you have to be having fun. If you're having fun, then everything else will come easy to you.
I think I'll work all my life. When you're having fun, why stop having fun?
It's hard to give tips to skiers if I don't know how they ski, but I think the most important thing in skiing is you have to be having fun. If you're having fun, then everything else will come easy to you.
I just think it's so important to have fun because if you're having fun, then your viewers will have fun too.
It's very easy for me to say what success is. I think success is connecting with an audience who understands you and having a dialogue with them. I think success is continuing to push yourself forward creatively and not sort of becoming a caricature of yourself.
I never thought I had more fun when I was young than kids are having today. I think they have just as much fun. It's a different way to have fun.
I don't know how to not have fun. I'm dying and I'm having fun, and I'm going to keep having fun every day I've got left.
I'm into having a good time and showing people you can have fun. Because for a long time, the West Coast, it wasn't about having fun. It was about gang banging; it just wasn't fun no more. So now I'm bringing fun back.
Everything for me started with my love of the sport. In society we're losing the fun with kids and pushing success on them too hard. Success comes from fun.
We're in the age of the selfie. It's just encouraging vanity. It's not even representative of anything except how you want people to perceive you. Think of when people are partying and having fun. They're like, "Hey, look at us!" You're obviously not having that much fun because otherwise you wouldn't be stopping to document it. It's stupid.
That buy is totally cracked out," Vic said one day, as we walked past Balthazar in the great hall. I don't think he's on alything." I didn't mean, for real. If he was cracked out for real, he'd probably be having more fun, right?" Vic shrugged. "Balty looks like he's not having any fun. He looks like he never had any. Like he wouldn't know fun if it started dancing around yelling 'I'm fun' in his face.
I think if you are having fun the audience will have fun too.
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