A Quote by Bryan Cranston

I look like everyone. — © Bryan Cranston
I look like everyone.

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Everyone wants to look their best, everyone has dreams of wanting to look like something else. But we are who we are.
I like to look at American and European street style. Basically, I look at things I like and want to buy, just like everyone else. But having said that, I think that it can be a bad idea to pay too close attention to someone else's total look.
The fact is that everyone at the labels wants to do what everyone else is doing. You have to look like her; you have to be like her; you have to sing like her, and no one can express themselves. I look at Rihanna and I am so proud of her. She speaks loudly! You have to stand up and clap. She expresses herself through fashion. She actually can sing. And her songs mean something, even to me, you know?
When I grew up, you needed to have straight hair. It's symbolic of needing to be like everyone else, needing to look like everyone else. And what that meant was looking like the dominant ruling class in America.
I understand I'm not everyone's cup of tea, and I certainly don't want everyone to look like me. I really only dress for myself.
I look back at the first Groves fight, and it was all so bad, so wrong. Everyone was telling me it was going to be easy, the bookies, everyone. Like an unprofessional fool, like an idiot, I listened to them. I didn't give myself the best possible chance.
In the States I might be an Asian face, look different from everyone else in TV and in music, but in Korea I look like everybody else, in Asia I look like everybody else.
Everyone look around and see if you can spot the NARCS. They're the ones who look like hippies.
I think it is very important that you like yourself for who you are and not want to look like anyone else. You also have to understand, many people have had cosmetic surgeries in order to look the way they look. So why look like them when you can just look like you? And there is nothing wrong with looking like you.
All you have to do is to look like crap on film and everyone thinks you're a brilliant actress. Actually, all you've done is look like crap.
I'll look at superheroes and comics and stuff and wonder, 'Why wouldn't you dress like that if you could?' With fashion, I look at it as a way to express that. I don't really pull any punches on it; otherwise, you get caught up in this nexus of dressing like everyone else.
What everyone is always afraid of is the unknown, or the unfamiliar. You got to have a look for a character that is mysterious and menacing, and doesn't quite look like what we've seen before.
Aging in Hollywood sucks. There's always so much pressure to look way younger than you are, and everyone's watching! I'd like to embrace getting older, because it's kind of inevitable. The different, wiser me, to be at peace with how I look and I'm supposed to look - it's a work in progress.
Everyone has gone trick or treating, everyone carves a jack o lantern with their parents. If you really look at the stories they sort of focus on what Halloween is like at different stages of your life.
It's hard to get the downtrodden working-class wifey sometimes because 'You don't look like it'. Well, that's weird because I grew up on a scheme in Paisley. But everyone's got a viewpoint about what you should look like, and it's tainted by prejudices and assumptions.
I have to tell everyone that when I finish a film and it goes out and is released, I never look at my films again. I don't like looking back. I don't even like talking about 'em! So I'm really digging back in my memory because I don't like to sit and look at my films again.
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