A Quote by Byron Katie

Thought the mind can justify itself faster than the speed of light, it can be stopped through the act of writing. — © Byron Katie
Thought the mind can justify itself faster than the speed of light, it can be stopped through the act of writing.
It is theoretically possible to warp spacetime itself, so you're not actually moving faster than the speed of light, but it's actually space that's moving.
I've found you can go on writing in the dark, and that the act of writing itself, that mysterious, dangerous, intoxicating, absorbing, nourishing magician's trick, that act of creation is its own light.
The only thing faster than the speed of thought is the speed of forgetfulness. Good thing we have other people to help us remember.
I thought you got faster by running on sleds. That does get you faster, but the most important thing when it comes to speed is getting your technique down. Technique, that's the main thing when it comes to speed.
Modern life is moving faster than the speed of thought, or thoughtfulness.
At two-tenths the speed of light, dust and atoms might not do significant damage even in a voyage of 40 years, but the faster you go, the worse it is--space begins to become abrasive. When you begin to approach the speed of light, hydrogen atoms become cosmic-ray particles, and they will fry the crew. ...So 60,000 kilometers per second may be the practical speed limit for space travel.
All Art is a gift of the Holy Spirit. When this light shines through the mind of a musician, it manifests itself in beautiful harmonies. Again, shining through the mind of a poet, it is seen in fine poetry and poetic prose. When the Light of the Sun of Truth inspires the mind of a painter, he produces marvellous pictures. These gifts are fulfilling their highest purpose, when showing forth the praise of God.
A beam of light takes about two million years to reach from us to the Andromeda nebula. But my thought covers this distance in a few seconds. Perhaps some day some intermediate form of body and mind may permit us to say that we actually can travel faster than light.
Nothing travels faster than the speed of light, with the possible exception of bad news, which obeys its own special laws.
Speed focuses the mind. It cuts through the fog of drab everyday living and keeps us on our toes. Speed works. Speed saves lives. Speed is good. And we should have more of it, not less.
Incidentally, think about the ramifications of storing data on light waves that can be stopped and started at the speed of light.
Travel at faster than the speed of light certainly can have dramatic implications that are difficult to understand, such as time travel.
I responded and anticipated faster than other players. I was not the fastest, but my passing, speed of thought and the ability to anticipate were my strengths.
Writing is an act of hope. It means carving order out of chaos, of challenging one's own beliefs and assumptions, of facing the world with eyes and heart wide open. Through writing we declare a personal identity amid faceless anonymity. We find purpose and beauty and meaning even when the rational mind argues that none of these exist. Writing therefore, is also an act of courage. How much easier is it to lead an unexamined life than to confront yourself on the page?
There was a young lady named Bright, Whose speed was far faster than light; She set out one day In a relative way, And returned on the previous night.
Writing the past is never a neutral act. Writing always asks the past to justify itself, to give its reasons... provided we can live with the reasons. What we want is a narrative, not a log; a tale, not a trial. This is why most people write memoirs using the conventions not of history, but of fiction.
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