A Quote by Byron Katie

The only time we suffer is when we believe a thought that argues with what is. When the mind is perfectly clear, what is is what we want. — © Byron Katie
The only time we suffer is when we believe a thought that argues with what is. When the mind is perfectly clear, what is is what we want.
In the awakened state, the mind is either perfectly silent or it is a perfectly clear instrument of expression.
The statements of atheists ought to be perfectly clear of doubt. Now it is not perfectly clear that the soul is material.
To make things 'perfectly clear' is reactionary and stupefying. The real is not perfectly clear.
The [Maicolm] Turnbull government's position on this is perfectly clear. We believe that there should be a plebiscite so that all Australians can have their say, and that is what Australians want.
I think sometimes people believe what they want to believe. I personally thought I was going to marry Elton John. I was so out of my mind that I really thought that someday I'd meet him and we'd fall in love and live happily ever after.
Clear mind is like the full moon in the sky. Sometimes clouds come and cover it, but the moon is always behind them. Clouds go away, then the moon shines brightly. So don't worry about clear mind: it is always there. When thinking comes, behind it is clear mind. When thinking goes, there is only clear mind. Thinking comes and goes, comes and goes, You must not be attached to the coming or the going.
I believe in giving people their space and time because till the time your heart and mind is not clear of the baggage, you won't be able to see other's efforts towards you.
Ownership of thought depends on the thinker not subordinating himself to a 'ruling thought'. This is particularly difficult, argues Stirner, ... for language itself is a network of 'fixed ideas'. Truths emerge only when language is reworked and possessed individually.
I am perfectly clear in my mind and in my conscience in respect of freedom of religious principles and beliefs.
The arc of my mind has an equal swing in all directions. I should say the same of your mind if I thought you would believe it. But we are so saturated with the notion that Time is a dimension accessible from one direction only, that you will at first probably be shocked by my saying that I can see truly as far in front of me as I can see exactly behind me.
It was thought, perception, sensations that interested her, the conscious mind as a river through time, and how to represent its onward roll, as well as all the tributaries that would swell it, and the obstacles that would divert it. If only she could reproduce the clear light of a summer's morning.
When I am perfectly clear, what is is what I want.
In order not to be misunderstood, I want it perfectly clear that I believe it is incumbent on us to conduct our lives in a way that takes into account all the consequences of our actions, including the consequences to other people, and the consequences to the environment.
To believe that mind is all, that thought is all is only a higher materialism.
I am not an irretrievable skeptic. I am not hopelessly prejudiced. I am perfectly willing to believe, and my mind is wide open; but I have, as yet, to be convinced. I am perfectly willing, but the evidence must be sane and conclusive.
We have all learned everything we know physically—from walking to running a marathon—by trial and error, so there's no reason to become our own worst enemies when we suffer a setback. From time to time everyone falls short of their goals. It's an illusion to believe that champions succeed because they do everything perfectly. You can be certain that every archer who hits the bull's-eye has also missed the bull's-eye a thousand times while learning the skill.
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