A Quote by Caitlin Moran

It's really best not to tell people when you feel bad. Growing up is about keeping secrets, and pretending everything is fine. — © Caitlin Moran
It's really best not to tell people when you feel bad. Growing up is about keeping secrets, and pretending everything is fine.
My dad probably gave me the best advice growing up. I think it's really just keeping your cool in situations and learning to balance everything.
I'm a pretty bad liar, and I'm not very good at keeping secrets. I'm one of those people who is like, "Let me tell you what happened today. You're never going to believe it!"
The thing about secrets is that they are usually best kept by just one person. That was the special thing about secrets. Some people seemed to think that the best way to keep a secret was to tell as many people as possible; what could possibly go wrong for a secret when there were so many people defending it?
I'm really bad at keeping secrets.
I'm good at keeping secrets, but if it's not something super serious I usually tell people not to tell me because I'll tell someone else.
The Doctor: 'You know when grown-ups tell you everything's going to be fine, but you really think they're lying to make you feel better?' Amelia: 'Yeah...' The Doctor: 'Everything's going to be fine.
I'm not really good at keeping my own secrets. I can keep other people's secrets pretty well. Unless they're really good and people deserve to hear them. And I'll disseminate the information accordingly.
I'm good at keeping secrets. My friends always tell me their secrets because I keep them well.
Alec isn't good at keeping secrets from me! He told me beforehand that he was going to propose. I really love that about him, that we have no secrets.
You're not me. You can't feel like I feel." "I can feel." "No you can't. You just choose not to feel or something and everything's fine." "It's not fine. It's just not so bad.
I am curious about people. I want to know their secrets... because I am the last person to whom I would tell a secret; people tell me their secrets.
What's the best part of being a mathematician? I'm not a religious man, but it's almost like being in touch with God when you're thinking about mathematics. God is keeping secrets from us, and it's fun to try to learn some of the secrets.
Secrets have power. And that power diminishes when they are shared, so they are best kept and kept well. Sharing secrets, real secrets, important ones, with even one other person, will change them. Writing them down is worse, because who can tell how many eyes might see them inscribed on paper, no matter how careful you might be with it. So it's really best to keep your secrets when you have them, for their own good, as well as yours.
I always tell people, when I was growing up I was really into getting money - I didn't really care about anything else.
As an athlete, you'll never feel bad about losing, but what you will feel bad about is underperforming. That's a real thing and it happens a lot when we don't live up to our potential. And that keeps you up at night and can give you years and years of regret. It could be a relationship, it could be a homework assignment, or it could be an athletic competition. If you don't go out and perform to the best of your ability, it will really bother you.
Be a balanced optimist. Nobody is suggesting that you become an oblivious Pollyanna, pretending that nothing bad can or ever will happen. Doing so can lead to poor decisions and invites people to take advantage of you. Instead, be a rational optimist who takes the good with the bad, in hopes of the good ultimately outweighing the bad, and with the understanding that being pessimistic about everything accomplishes nothing. Prepare for the worst but hope for the best - the former makes you sensible, and the latter makes you an optimist.
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