A Quote by Calvin Johnson

I think if anybody had the opportunity to stay in one place and play ball, they would. — © Calvin Johnson
I think if anybody had the opportunity to stay in one place and play ball, they would.
Fix your eye on the ball from the moment the pitcher holds it in his glove. Follow it as he throws to the plate and stay with it until the play is completed. Action takes place only where the ball goes.
I'm ecstatic that I had the opportunity to play in the American Basketball Association. It was an opportunity to be part of something new and exciting and I think everyone who played would tell you the same thing.
I would wish we would get to a place of colour-blind casting, where it didn't matter what colour skin you are, where you came from, anybody could play anybody and we didn't judge it.
When you know you're gonna have the opportunity to shoot the ball, because the coach draws up the play at the timeout, boom instantly you think about the play, you kind of like block away everything, and you think about the play and you kind of visualize yourself making the shot that you're gonna take.
I think I would play well in England. With my height I am suited to the long ball and with the kind of crosses they put in, in England I think it would be better for me to play there.
I've always had that gratitude that I had the opportunity to pursue my potential. So I think my story says that, when women are given the chance and the opportunity, that we can achieve a lot. We deliver. We can make the world a better place, one butt at a time.
I would love to stay at SNL forever. But you can't stay in the same place. People think you're a loser.
When you have the ball above the net height on grass, it's easier to play, and when the ball comes at you more slowly, it's easier to play. But when a guy hits hard and deep, I think you have to have been out there playing to understand, but it's hard to really hit the ball.
Sometimes when I play on the wing, I have to remind myself to stay out wide because I tend to naturally drift in towards the ball. I try to get on the ball and make something happen.
Jim had melodies as well as words. He didn't know how to play a chord on any instrument, but he had melodies in his head. To remember the lyrics he would think of melodies and then they would stay in his head. He had melodies and lyrics in his head, and he would sing them a cappella, and we would eke out the arrangements.
My reality was that if there was a defenseless player, if that person didn't touch the ball, I would not hit them. I was not going to strike you if you didn't have an opportunity to get the ball.
I stay positive because it's the only way to live. When I play ball, I play hardball.
I think if anybody has an opportunity to play professional basketball, to not transcend that into off-the-court endeavors is really a waste.
I think the hardest to replace has been Johnny Collins. He was great to play with. You could always rely on him to be available for a short pass, allowing you time to clear a ball. He would never give the ball away.
When I played ball, I didn't play for fun. . . . It's no pink tea, and mollycoddles had better stay out. It's a contest and everything that implies, a struggle for supremacy, a survival of the fittest.
I think I've shown patches of being a good defender and then I've gotten lazy off the ball and you make a stupid play and you look like you can't guard anybody.
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