A Quote by Cara Santa Maria

I like the fact that people are surprised by my age. I like the fact that I get carded. — © Cara Santa Maria
I like the fact that people are surprised by my age. I like the fact that I get carded.
I get carded for soda, you know, when I go to the supermarket. I mean, they card me for everything. You know, I can't even get through a hand of black jack without getting carded, like, five times.
The big 3 networks don't like the fact that there's a Rush Limbaugh out there, they don't like the fact that there's a Fox News, they don't like the fact that there's a Matt Drudge. They liked it when it was nice, when it was just the three of them. Well, it ain't that way anymore.
I don't like the fact that I have to get older so fast, but I like the fact that I'm aging so well.
I really do love male characters, in some ways, for the fact that they get surprised when they're vulnerable. Women are more surprised by their strength.
People are often surprised by the fact that I laugh a lot, that I look like Lena Dunham, and that I don't want to make relationship dramas for the rest of my career.
I'm surprised by the fact that I like the word 'husband.' I thought I would hate it.
The idea that when you correct a fact, you erase that fact from people's memories is the reverse of the truth. When you correct a fact, what you do is you further lodge that fact into people's minds, and they remember the error.
Ed Sheeran? I don't like the fact he gets a lot of stick. I like the fact he works hard, and God knows how much money he pays to the tax man each year.
Something magical happened when I turned 25 - I looked in the mirror and was like, 'You might not get carded for an R-rated movie anymore.' Like I didn't have a little stick figure anymore.
I love fiction that sounds like fact. As a matter of fact, I also like fact that sounds like fiction.
Fun fact #1 about pomegranates: Pomegranates are awesome.Fun fact #2: Pomegranates are like little explosions of awesome in your mouth.Fun fact #3: A lot of people think you're not supposed to eat the seeds of a pomegranate - but that's not true, people who tell you that are liars, and they don't know anything about life, and they should never be trusted.
Research is about following the gleam into the dark. It's also about being sensitive enough to know which fact is "the creative fact; the fertile fact; the fact that suggests and engenders," as opposed to the fact that deadens and kills a delicate new project.
I don't like the fact that North Korea is testing nuclear weapons, and I don't like the fact that they're testing missiles and shooting them out in the sea in kind of an antagonistic fashion.
Colleges are like old-age homes, except for the fact that more people die in colleges.
There was certainly, like, a rebellious, like, youthful rage in me. And there was also the fact of no getting away from fact that I am white, and you know, this is predominantly black music, you know.
I mean a lot of people think Im 19. I get carded all the time and no one think Im legal, like in the bedroom
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