A Quote by Carl Jung

The world hangs on a thin thread, and that is the psyche of man. — © Carl Jung
The world hangs on a thin thread, and that is the psyche of man.
Sometimes children do not realize by how fragile a thread their security hangs. Perhaps it is as well they do not - most of them grow up before the thread can be broken.
Our great Constitution has been beaten and torn until now it hangs by a single thread, and that thread is our franchise to vote.
There is a curtain, thin as gossamer, clear as glass, strong as iron, that hangs forever between the world of magic and the world that seems to us to be real.
I have been fortunate to have been brought up on a diet of adventure and privileged to take part in number of challenges. My training in the Royal Marines taught me to be professional at all times, even in dangerous and frightening circumstances. But fear can be dispelled by knowledge and preparation. Life hangs on a very thin thread and the cancer of time is complacency. If you are going to do something, do it now. Tomorrow is too late.
All that I am hangs by a thread tonight
Deep in the sun-searched growths the dragonfly Hangs like a blue thread loosened from the sky.
The great intellectual tradition that comes down to us from the past was never interrupted or lost through such trifles as the sack of Rome, the triumph of Attila, or all the barbarian invasions of the Dark Ages. It was lost after the introduction of printing, the discovery of America, the founding of the Royal Society, and all the enlightenment of the Renaissance and the modern world. It was there, if anywhere, that there was lost or impatiently snapped the long thin delicate thread that had descended from distant antiquity; the thread of that unusual human hobby: the habit of thinking.
Fear is a hammer, and when the people are beaten finally to the conviction that their existence hangs by a frayed thread, they will be led where they need to go.
The quantum is that embarrassing little piece of thread that always hangs from the sweater of space-time. Pull it and the whole thing unravels.
Books are precious things, but more than that, they are the strong backbone of civilization. They are the thread upon which it all hangs, and they can save us when all else is lost.
The depth of exploration of the male psyche and the female psyche is uneven. I see further, deeper renderings of what it means to be a man.
I'm saying that the depth of exploration of the male psyche and the female psyche is uneven. I see further, deeper renderings of what it means to be a man.
Life is a very thin thread and it only takes a second to snap it
[On the movie "American Hot Wax:] A plot so thin you could thread a needle with it.
Health is the greatest of God's gifts, but we take it for granted; yet it hangs on a thread as fine as a spider's web and the tiniest thing can make it snap, leaving the strongest of us helpless in an instant.
Producers don't really have any authority because you are paid by the artist, and if they choose to ignore you, they can. Your power only hangs by the tiniest thread. If you pull it too hard it will snap.
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