A Quote by Carl von Clausewitz

The world has a way of undermining complex plans. This is particularly true in fast moving environments. A fast moving environment can evolve more quickly than a complex plan can be adapted to it. By the time you have adapted, the target has changed.
A complex society is not necessarily more advanced than a simple one; it has just adapted to conditions in a more complicated way.
I walk fast. Keep moving. Always be a moving target. Marilyn Monroe taught me that.
Everybody accuses me of moving fast when I direct a picture. I don't move fast, but I just keep moving.
The market is fast-moving, fast-growing. Things that are true today may not be true tomorrow.
Human beings and plants have co-evolved for millions of years, so it makes perfect sense that our complex bodies would be adapted to absorb needed, beneficial compounds from complex plants and ignore the rest.
Complexity has and will maintain a strong fascination for many people. It is true that we live in a complex world and strive to solve inherently complex problems, which often do require complex mechanisms. However, this should not diminish our desire for elegant solutions, which convince by their clarity and effectiveness. Simple, elegant solutions are more effective, but they are harder to find than complex ones, and they require more time, which we too often believe to be unaffordable
We are more than the sum of our biochemical functions. Even the tiniest flea is an incredibly complex living creature, with mouth-parts adapted to feeding on the blood of your cat or dog.
The challenge is moving fast and staying great. You have to keep the bar high. There's only one way you can evolve the brand and perception, which is to deliver. You just gotta lay it down.
Some one has said that we are moving so fast that when plans are being made to perform some great feat, these plans are broken into by a youth who enters and says, “I have done it."
Our brains are way, way more complex than any computer we know how to make. They're way more creative. The input's pretty good, but the output is constrained by our tongues and jaws moving and us typing.
I would never suggest anyone to stay at a company more than six or seven years. We grow as individuals and the world is moving so fast. Typically, I'll always sell a piece of each of my companies along the way.
How fast you are moving is more important than where you are.
Move fast and break things. Unless you are breaking stuff, you are not moving fast enough.
Shakespeare has been adapted by Akira Kurosawa. 'Dangerous Liaisons' has been adapted into a Chinese movie. 'Blood Simple', the Coen brothers movie, was adapted by Zhang Yimou.
I think quality will be increasingly important-we're moving away from a time of fast fashion. But really, the only constant in fashion is that you must keep moving forward, otherwise you'll be left behind.
People think when you're moving in Zero-G, it's like moving in jelly. But it's not. You're completely free to move however fast as you want.
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