A Quote by Carl Yastrzemski

I knew when the ball was going out (over the Green Monster). It was something I worked into the decoy, but it used to tick the pitchers off. Bill Monbouquette used to say, 'Can't you at least make it look like you can catch it?' Meanwhile, the ball would be on its way over the fence to a spot three-quarters of the way out to the railroad tracks.
I was supposed to take the ball out. I told coach, 'There's no way I'm taking the ball out, unless I can shoot it over the backboard and it goes in. I told him, 'Have somebody else take the ball out, give me the ball, and everybody get out of the way.'
Letting the ball travel is an important mental cue. It's simply about making an attempt to see the ball and to slow it down. It's a relaxation technique used to avoid being jumpy and attempting to hit the ball directly out of the pitchers hands.
I didn't like the way I shot the ball in Milwaukee, so I worked really hard on my shooting - threes off the move and off the catch. And also continued to work on my ball-handling and my in-between game - my runners and floaters.
When I was eight or nine, we had a goal in the back yard of our council flat. We used to flip it over the back fence and take it out onto the estate. Everyone would come out and we'd play for hours, there were cars screeching to a halt when the ball went on the road.
I used to catch and take a big dip down and then finally I'd try to shoot. That first year playing the NBA, I was realizing how little time you have to shoot the ball. The time you have from when you catch it to the guy closing out is just a split second. So I had to figure out a way to get my shot off quicker. Then it was just repetition.
When I was four, five, my granddad took me over to the park to play basketball. There was no way I was getting a ball into the net, but he said we stayed there until I got it in. I always remember that. He used to say to me, 'When you think you're going to do something, you won't ever stop.' I think that's the person I've been all my life.
I grew up, I used to two-ball dribble, one-ball dribble like three or four times a week for like an hour all the way up until I got into the league where I felt like I now have it in my head.
I still swing the way I used to, but when I look up the ball is going in a different direction.
When I was younger, I used to bite my nails so bad. I used to play sports; I played, like, every sport. I would be playing soccer, and I'd be in the middle of the field just zoned out, biting my nails, and I'd, like, miss the ball going past me.
I feel like I got a good jump on the ball. I turned my head and picked a spot out to run to. I was able to look back at the ball real quick again and it fell right into my glove.
I think Daniel Murphy definitely is premeditated what he'd like to do. He's very good about not missing his pitch when he sees it. I know the ball has to look like at least a softball right now, at least, maybe more to the beach ball variety. He's seeing everything that well. He's a good hitter that is seeing the ball really well right now, and you have to make good pitches to get him out.
I'm not used to seeing the ball go wherever she wants. As a pitcher, I like to be - I don't want to say perfect, but I want to know what the ball is going to do.
I listened to my first comedy album in 6th grade. It was Bill Cosby. My brother and I would play it over and over on a Fisher Price record player. A friend in high school also introduced me to Richard Pryor. I wasn't writing material back then, but I would say funny stuff. I was good at making fun of people's moms. If I knew something personal about you, it would be used against you.
I reached this level by sheer dint of hard work, toiling away at scores of tricks and experiments. I used to play with the ball from dawn till dusk and just kept practising. If I wasn't playing matches, it was trying out one on one or two against two with a tennis ball. Then I used to try aiming at certain targets. That's the only way to learn. And if I missed the target, I kept trying until I scored
While all the other kids were out playing ball and stuff, I used to stay in my room and imagine that there was a camera in the wall. And I used to really believe that I was putting on a television show and that it was going out to somewhere in the world.
When he talked to you, you seemed to fit in, but when someone else was talking, or he would be distracted, you jsut looked lonely over there. At least to me. But whenever I would tell you that, you'd say "I'm fine. I just slip out of it, you know?" And I'd say "I'll catch you," and you would say, "It's not the kind of slipping you can catch.
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