A Quote by Carole Katchen

When a painting problem crops up, don't rush to fix it. You probably already know one way to fix it, but wait for something else to show up... invite the muses to bring you a new solution.
You don't know how to fix the holes in our ozone layer. You don't know how to bring salmon back up a dead stream. You don't know how to bring back an animal now extinct. And you can't bring back forests that once grew where there is now desert. If you don't know how to fix it, please stop breaking it!
Nobody is defeated until he starts blaming somebody else. My advice to you is don't fix the blame. Fix the problem.
What happens when you have vast legislative overreach is you don't particularly fix the problem you started out to fix but create problems for everyone else.
If the national government doesn't fix your problem, you've got a problem. You've got to fix it yourself. That's just part of the American way.
There's a solution to every problem. I just have to find the right solution to fix this problem
The trouble with most problem-solving books for parents is that they start with the idea that the child has a problem. Then they try to tell us how to fix the child, or else, after blaming the parent, they suggest how we can fix ourselves.
The difficult notes are when they say, "And this is how we want you to fix it . . ." Just tell me what the problem is. Just tell me what the issue is, and I'll go off an fix it. It's usually when executives get to a place where they're trying to fix the problem for you that you have issues
When the scope of the problem seems insuperable, isn't it time to call this one, give it up, and get on with life as we know it. I do know that answer to that one: that's called child abuse. When my teenager worries that her generation won't be able to fix this problem, I have to admit to her that it won't be up to her generation. It's up to mine. This is a now-or-never kind of project.
The skepticism that has grown up about elites is totally justified. Since 2008, no one has gone to jail on Wall Street for the crash and elites have not been able to fix the problem, right? We haven't managed to fix post manufacturing job growth. We haven't fixed the issues to do with immigration.
Anything which is a huge problem for humanity we'll sign up for, if we can find a way to fix it.
The money in the stabilization fund, $130 billion which I call an insurance bailout, is put in to try to cure the adverse selection that Obamacare created by making insurance too expensive. Healthy people didn't buy it. They tried to fix this by forcing young people to buy it through an individual mandate. Even that didn't work. So the way the Republicans fix it is they don't actually fix it. They subsidize it. So we have to fix what went wrong with Obamacare, not just recapitulate something that's broken.
My problem is I'm like a junkie. I want a good movie fix, and I never get that fix.
I'm a duty solicitor, so I can't fix someone's life; all I can do is fix the problem I've got in front of my eyes.
Losers fix the blame; winners fix what caused the problem.
Management: First fix the blame. Then fix the problem.
Do you know how much faster I can fix an airplane when I want to fix it than when I don't want to fix it?
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