A Quote by Carrie Fisher

It really annoys me that I'm vain, but unfortunately, I haven't been able to discard that tendency. — © Carrie Fisher
It really annoys me that I'm vain, but unfortunately, I haven't been able to discard that tendency.
I got a lot of motivation from my character of people-watching. And if they do something that annoys me, I steal it and do it because I know it annoys other people. If it annoys me, it's going to annoy you.
It annoys me how expensive it is to live in London, but I think that annoys everyone.
It annoys me how pretty my voice is...that sounds incredibly immodest, but it annoys me how polite it can sound when perhaps what I'm singing is deeply acidic.
The first step to expanding your reality is to discard the tendency to exclude things from possibility.
Unfortunately scripts don't chase me. I chase them. I struggle, battle, discard, pick it back, struggle further, plead with it, curse it, cajole and try to be clever. But it is invariably the script that rules.
I'm still very sensitive and wary of people recognising me The only thing that really annoys me is people trying to surreptitiously take a photo on their phone without asking. I feel it's cowardly and a bit pathetic. Just ask me if you really want me to have a photograph with you.
I feel really privileged that I've been able to be an activist and a musician for over 20 years now, and I've always been able to say whatever I want. I think that's something we Americans really take for granted, but it's a big deal, and it's not something most people in the world are able to do.
I do have a tendency to talk a lot at the poker table, which throws people off because they spend a lot of time trying to read me. But I talk a lot when I have a good hand and when I have a bad hand, too. Sometimes it annoys people so much they can't wait to get out of the tournament. And that can only be good for me.
I think the idea of being on stage and playing for people, and being able to inject a little bit of joy into their lives is a really exciting concept for me. That's definitely why I make music. It's never been for any kind of materialistic reasons, so that thought of being able to be up on stage, and being able to give something to someone in a moment of need for them - that gets me up in the morning; that really excites me.
People still text me to say that there is something about me in the paper, and what really annoys me is that if it's nasty, I then have to go and have a look, even though actually I don't want to know.
I'm doing interviews and there are pictures of my face, so it's not like I'm hiding who I am. As soon as you say what your name is, everybody writes that in every interview, and it kind of annoys me. My name's SOHN. It's not really much more complicated than that, and there are loads of artists in the world who have one-word names. I'd like to somehow be able to close a door somewhere.
For me, I've been really, really lucky because I have been able to play a lot of different parts.
People talk about me being a firefighter, but I have also been very successful. It annoys me that in this country you get pigeon-holed for certain things.
For me personally, I've been able to main event a number of independent shows outside Ring of Honor I've been doing as well. It's been really exciting for me to do that for women's wrestling and to have that opportunity.
Nothing really annoys me, I'm not that kind of person, I'm quite laid back about most things.
I need to get better at learning how to stay calm. I'm a bit of a worrier and a stress cadet. Yoga helps me to some degree, but I haven't been able to figure out meditation yet. I have a feeling it would be very good for me, but unfortunately, I'm still holding it all in until I explode part of my life.
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