A Quote by Carrot Top

People always say to me, 'You're really attractive - in an unusual way.' No one ever just says, 'You're attractive.' — © Carrot Top
People always say to me, 'You're really attractive - in an unusual way.' No one ever just says, 'You're attractive.'
People always say to me, Youre really attractive - in an unusual way. No one ever just says, Youre attractive.
I don't go around thinking I'm attractive or not attractive. It has never occurred to me. People don't think like that where I come from... No one has ever said, 'Oh, he's a good-looking bloke.' They just didn't use those words about men.
Photographing attractive people who were doing attractive things in attractive places. (Summary of his photographic career)
It's unfair but true: youth is attractive, curvy women are attractive, outliers who look a bit different to everybody else are attractive.
I feel something unusual is always attractive for people. But at the same time, it should be entertaining.
If you're not kind, then you won't be attractive to me personally because that spirit shines through and makes people attractive.
I remember being in high school and my mother would say, "What about such-and-such boy?" I'm like, "Oh mom, he's too nice," we don't like the nice boys when we're 16. I'd say, "He's not attractive," and she'd say "All young people are attractive." And they are, and I get that.
The stuff I find attractive in women I always regret finding attractive. I always like a kind of madness in a woman... I like it when they hate me right from the beginning.
Obsession is an attractive thing. People who are really, really interested and good at one thing and smart are attractive, if they're men.
I think that part of everybody's success is due to their looks, but it just works in different ways. If you're whatever society calls attractive, then people say that you got ahead because of your looks-especially if you're a woman. If you're whatever society says is not attractive, then they say you got ahead because you're compensating, you couldn't get a man or whatever. So everybody pays the same penalty for the fact that women are assessed for their outsides rather than for what's in our heads and our hearts.
There are a lot of girls I've found attractive, but we could never date. If a girl can make me laugh, that's really attractive to me. I have a soft spot for southern girls who are sweet, like Taylor Swift!
There are a lot of girls Ive found attractive, but we could never date. If a girl can make me laugh, thats really attractive to me. I have a soft spot for southern girls who are sweet, like Taylor Swift!
He was attractive. I knew that. And I knew that attractive people always got away with things.
Women know that we're not just strong. We're not just vulnerable. We are not just attractive or not attractive. We are many things at once, and we're able to see into that complexity.
If people find me attractive, it would be for reasons that anybody finds anybody attractive. It's something that comes from within, and it manifests itself physically.
When I was younger and really interested in acting, I would look at all the women on TV, and even the ones who were supposed to be 'geeks' or 'less attractive,' they all looked similar because they were extremely attractive and their bodies were all a certain way.
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