A Quote by Cassandra Clare

You can't forget the things you did in the past, or you'll never learn from them. — © Cassandra Clare
You can't forget the things you did in the past, or you'll never learn from them.
And what did I think when I was small and why did I forget? And what else will I forget when I grow older? And if you forget is it as if it never happened? Will none of the things you saw or thought or dreamed matter?
For inspiration you go to the archives, you go to things of the past, but you still need to be contemporary for today. You can never forget the time you're living in because the past is the past and it will never come back.
Forget them, Wendy. Forget them all. Come with me where you'll never, never have to worry about grown up things again.
Lord knows what incommunicable small terrors infants go through, unknown to all. We disregard them, we say they forget, because they have not the words to make us remember. ... By the time they learn to speak they have forgotten the details of their complaints, and so we never know. They forget so quickly, we say, because we cannot contemplate the fact that they never forget.
People are disturbed not by things but by the view they take of them. They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.
We forget all too soon the things we thought we could never forget. We forget the loves and the betrayals alike, forget what we whispered and what we screamed, forget who we were.
I tell my kids and my grandkids, 'Never forget where you came from. Never forget your roots.' My grandkids, they didn't go through the hard times as much as other ones in our family did. One thing is to just never forget where you came from and you never forget that nothing is more important than your relationship with Jesus Christ.
If I have learned one thing in my life, it is that lamentation and regrets only make things worse. A person must move on, move forward but never forget the past, but learn from it. If you ponder the 'if onlys' of life, they will drive you mad.
Forgotten? No, we never do forget: We let the years go: eash then clean with tears, Leave them to bleach, out in the open day, Or lock them careful by, like dead friends’ clothes, Till we shall dare unfold them without pain,— But we forget not, never can forget.
Forget about what happened in the past. The past is the past. Who cares? Time heals things.
I don't regret anything that I ever did. You just look back at things and you either learn from them or get what you can from them but I wouldn't change what I did.
The man who broods over the past can never master the difficulties of today. Every wise man learn to forget.
The people who are horrified by the idea of children learning what they want to learn when they want to learn it have not accepted the very elementary psychological fact that people (all people, of every age) remember the things that are important to them - the things they need to know - and forget the rest.
J. Edgar Hoover: When morals decline and good men do nothing, evil flourishes. A society unwilling to learn from past is doomed. We must never forget our history.
I want you to say 'Never Forget' because when you say 'Never Forget' you're thanking that veteran in a different way. You're allowing them to be thankful for the idea for the fact that as an American you're in it with them. We're in it together and we don't forget together.
I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
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