A Quote by Cassandra Clare

Magnus gazed upon Camille. "Some of my fondest memories include lashings of cream and beautiful women. — © Cassandra Clare
Magnus gazed upon Camille. "Some of my fondest memories include lashings of cream and beautiful women.
I am brave," Will said... "Yes, you are," Magnus said, and kissed him. It wasn't the most dramatic kiss, but Will failed his free arm as if a bee had landed on him; Magnus had to hope Camille would assume this was passion. When they broke apart, Will looked stunned. So did Camille, for that matter. ... Will swung sideways...He dashed across the room, retrieved it, and tucked it into Magnus's waistcoat pocket. Then, with a wink at Camille that, Magnus thought, God alone knew how she would interpret, he sauntered out of the room.
Some of my fondest memories are holidays by the seaside.
He's a cousin of some friends of the Lightwoods or something. He's nice. I promise." "Nice, bah. He's gorgeous." Magnus gazed dreamily in his direction. "You should leave him here. I could hang hats on him and things." "No. You can't have him." "Why not? Do you like him?" Magnus's eyes gleamed. "He seems to like you. I saw him going for your hand out there like a squirrel diving for a peanut.
Australia is an island surrounded by water. My fondest memories growing up were trips to the beach, walking around the harbour and playing in the beautiful parks.
Australia is an island surrounded by water. My fondest memories growing up were trips to the beach, walking around the harbor and playing in the beautiful parks.
Some of my fondest memories are of being in a van. It can be exhausting, but many adventures can be had.
Years later Magnus would return to London and Camille Belcourt's side, and find it not all that he had dreamed. Years later another desperate Herondale boy with blue, blue eyes would come to his door, shaking with the cold of the rain and his own wretchedness, and this one Magnus would be able to help.
Some of my fondest memories of the early years of Netflix have to do with our efforts to figure out the most efficient, effective, and fast methods to get DVDs to people all over the country.
Even more blood welled up and spilled down his arm, splattering onto the ground. “Camille’s carpet,” Magnus protested. “It’s blood,” said Will. “She ought to be thrilled.
Magnus gazed dreamily in his direction. "You should leave him here. I could hang hats on him and things.
My fondest memories are of watching lambs being delivered.
Magnus wants to shout at me, don’t you, Magnus?” (Jace) “Yes,” Magnus said, tearing his eyes away from Alec long enough to scowl. -pg.275-
When I look back on my childhood, my fondest memories are those surrounding the dinner table.
The houses in Mustique are styled with incredible decor. I vacationed there as a kid and have the fondest memories.
Lovely,wonderful Isabelle.Could you please go away?Now is a really bad time." Isabelle looked from Magnus to her brother,and back again. "Then,you dont want me to tell you that Camille's just escaped from the Sanctuary and my mother is demanding that you come back to the Institute right now to help them find her?" "No,"Magnus said."I dont want you to tell me that" "Well,to bad"Isabelle said"Because it's true .I mean,I guess you dont have to go,but-
My fondest memories are generally the day after Thanksgiving. I get the total decorating Christmas itch.
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