A Quote by Cazzie David

People so often forget that their Instagram is more than just their latest post. Before posting, step back and look at the bigger picture, a.k.a. your 'flow.' — © Cazzie David
People so often forget that their Instagram is more than just their latest post. Before posting, step back and look at the bigger picture, a.k.a. your 'flow.'
I'm friends with Taylor Swift, and I am tired of people asking me questions about our friendship. When I post a picture of us on Instagram, I'm posting a picture of me and my friend.
Never forget when posting something on Instagram that it lasts forever. Instagram is embarrassing enough as is, so be careful. A post might not embarrass you in this moment, but it's likely to in the future. So don't only think about yourself; think about your future self.
Obviously, being the CEO, there are a lot of eyes on what you do and what you post and how you post, and I think one of the challenges of Instagram in general is that, as we get bigger, there are just more voices in the room, more eyes on everyone's accounts.
I know so many kids who literally are, like, Instagram-famous. They have done nothing but post pictures on Instagram. And they have followings. People love to see them in person, but it's only because they post on their Instagram. It's literally crazy. Kids will paint a picture of themselves that is so far beyond who they actually are. It's like they're wearing someone else's skin.
Instagram is not an option for me. I have an Instagram - like relationship with a few people, some of whom I've only met once. We e-mail each other a picture every week. But I cannot deal with posting it. It's a very personal message for me.
I've had friends get mad at me for not posting what they think I should post on Instagram on behalf of them or our relation. I've had people question my "integrity" based off of something I didn't post on social media, the list goes on. It's mind boggling.
You often need to take a step back and think about what reality is, and what the world was like before Instagram - things weren't about perfecting something for an hour just for a photo.
My big pet peeve with people posting food - and I love it when people post food - but my number one thing is when you're posting at a restaurant, and it's dark, like a date night, food never looks good. Flash looks horrible, no flash looks horrible. It's important to only do food photos during daylight - and it's all about color with Instagram.
I know so many kids who literally are, like, Instagram-famous. They have done nothing but post pictures on Instagram. And they have followings. People love to see them in person, but it's only because they post on their Instagram. It's literally crazy.
Survey and test a prospective action before undertaking it. Before you proceed, step back and look at the big picture, lest you act rashly on raw impulse.
I do find Twitter to be more negative than Instagram. Instagram is not so bad. I think it's because of the pictures and see a face where on Twitter people forget we are human beings.
You don't have to post a picture with every single person at the party. Just get a few, maybe post one picture with eight people.
Selling a lifestyle - whether it's a brand or an Instagram post - which teaches not just girls but people that your value is defined by what you look like is the most appalling thing that I could think of, especially as a woman.
I have more than 4 million followers on Instagram. All the companies I work for want me to guarantee how much I'll post for them, but I'm not going to force my career onto the people who follow me. I refuse to do 40 Instagram posts about any campaign.
See, the ‘small stuff’ is what makes up the larger picture of our lives. Many people are like you, young man. But their perspective is distorted. They ignore ‘small stuff,’ claiming to have an eye on the bigger picture, never understanding that the bigger picture is composed of nothing more than-are you ready?- ‘small stuff’.
There's something arbitrary about taking a picture. So I can stand at the edge of a highway and take one step forward and it can be a natural landscape untouched by man and I can take one step back and include a guardrail and change the meaning of the picture radically... I can take a picture of a person at one moment and make them look contemplative and photograph them two seconds later and make them look frivolous.
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